Axel Hecht Mozilla in Your Language

February 27, 2007

FOSDEM 2007 aftermath

Filed under: Mozilla — Axel Hecht @ 9:53 am

FOSDEM 2007 is over, and it’s been great. We had interesting presentations and quite a few good discussions. If you gave a talk, please make the slides available to me or sheppy, so that we can put them up on MDC.

Picking a few by personal taste and broader interest, the discussion about the Mozilla Manifesto was pretty interesting. Gerv is going to sum that up, but what I found interesting was the fork between those in the audience that didn’t see what Mozilla does or should do due to the Manifesto, and those that found too many direct links to special here-and-now-and-Mozilla aspects (in particular the word Firefox) to seamlessly join in with their group/company. Which shows that there is actually interest in our ecosystem to do so.

The l20n talk went good, with some interesting new contacts in the world of linguistic scientists, which I expect to result in some constructive comments on l20n in particular, and our handling of languages and localizations in general. I’ll follow up with Gerard Meijssen here, who pointed at OmegaWiki and LMF (lexical markup framework).

I liked schrep’s talk on the Web track on the future of the Web and Firefox, sadly, european beamers refused to listen to his mac, so no live demos for us. mconnor and chofmann joined us in Brussels, too, and as always on a meeting, you don’t find the time to actually talk to any of them. I at least turned out to be way to busy, that’s what I get for chairing etc.

I’d like to send out special thanks to Seth and Anne-Julie for all the work they did on getting our contributors to Brussels, and to all the volunteers who made the booth happen yet again this year.

One of the uppers this year around was, the WIFI worked. So, if you wonder where the money went, there’s no real link, but rumor has it that FOSDEM spent about the same order of magnitude on wifi routers as Mozilla Europe granted. If we could pick, I bet we’d pick ;-). Apparently Greenpeace helped out with the networking, too.

Thanks to everybody that came and in particular all speakers, and I hope you liked it, too.


  1. Sorry Axel, I packed in your earplugs, but I promise I’ll get you new ones – next year ;)

    Comment by Abdulkadir Topal — March 2, 2007 @ 4:19 am

  2. […] In Axel’s post about FOSDEM, he writes about the community discussion on the Mozilla Manifesto, his l20n presentation, and other goings-on at the conference. […]

    Pingback by seth’s blog » Mozilla at FOSDEM — March 13, 2007 @ 11:15 am

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