Remember Mozilla Europe? Tristan does, and poked the board. Mozilla Europe has gone a tad silent with other the other organizations rising in our ecosystem, so it’s about time to think about what Mozilla Europe is and what it could be.
The board of Mozilla-Europe is going to meet on September 17th, 18th to find out what to do. All board-members have some ideas on what we want to see and do, and even a bit of time to actually do something.
On the other hand, what do we know?
So I’m reaching out to you, Europeans and not, to share your ideas. Visions are good, plans are better, as always with Mozilla. The only restriction we’d have is that it should be about Mozilla and Europe.
You can leave your suggestions on the wiki, as trackbacks, or comments here. Or, pester your favorite member of the board directly. Not necessarily me.
Posted on behalf of the board of Mozilla Europe.
[…] more official info, look at Pike’s blog (he’s smarter, but I’m younger […]
Pingback by Mozilla Europe reignites at stream of bytes — September 12, 2007 @ 4:33 am