Categories: Participation

Mozilla’s Strategic Narrative for 2016 and Beyond

All around the world, passionate Mozillians are working to move Mozilla’s mission forward. But if you asked five different Mozillians what the mission is, you might get seven different answers.

At the end of last year, Mozilla’s CEO, Chris Beard presented a clear articulation of Mozilla’s mission, vision, role and how our products will help us get there in the next five years. The goal of this Strategic Narrative is to create for all of Mozilla, a concise, shared understanding of our goals that we can use to be more empowered as individuals to make decisions, and identify opportunities to move Mozilla forward.

In order for Mozilla to achieve it’s mission we cannot work alone. We need all of the thousands of Mozillians around the world aligned behind this, so that we can do incredible things at a pace and with a voice that is louder than ever before.

That is why one of the Participation Team’s six strategic initiatives for the first half of this year is to spread this narrative to as many Mozillians as possible so that in 2016 we can have our largest impact yet. We will also be creating a follow-up post that will do a deep dive specifically on the Participation Team strategy for 2016.

Screen Shot 2015-12-18 at 2.02.07 PMUnderstanding this strategy will be crucial for anyone looking to make an impact at Mozilla this year, as it will determine what we advocate for, how we focus our resources, and which projects we focus on for 2016.

As the year kicks off we will dive more deeply into this strategy and share more details of how the various teams and projects around Mozilla are working to further these goals.

The immediate call to action is to think about this in the context of your work and about how you will contribute to Mozilla next year this helps shape your innovations, your ambitions and your impact for 2016.

We hope you will join the conversation and share your questions, comments, and plans for what you will do to drive the strategic narrative forward in 2016 on discourse here or share your thoughts on Twitter with the hashtag #Mozilla2016Strategy.

Mission, Vision & Strategy

Our Mission

To ensure the Internet is a global public resource open and accessible to all.

Our Vision

An Internet that truly puts people first. An Internet where individuals can shape their own experience. An Internet where people are empowered, safe and independent.

Our Role

Mozilla is a true advocate for you in your online life. We advocate for you both within your online experience & on your behalf for the health of the Internet.

Our Work

Our Pillars

  1. Products: We build people-centered products & educational experiences that help people unlock the full potential of their online life.
  2. Technology: We develop robust technical solutions that bring the Internet to life across multiple platforms.
  3. People: We develop community leaders and contributors who will invent, shape and   defend the Internet.

How we lock-in positive change for the long-term.

The “how” matters just as much as the “what”. Our health and lasting impact depends upon how much our products and activities:

  1. Promote Interoperability, Open Source & Open Standards
  2. Grow & Nurture Communities
  3. Champion Policy & Legal Protections
  4. Educate and activate digital citizens

One comment on “Mozilla’s Strategic Narrative for 2016 and Beyond”

  1. Jeffrey Elkner wrote on

    I am completely on board with both the mission and vision, which is why I tried to orient my high school IT program toward Firefox OS last year, with a good deal of success, I think. That’s why I was more than a little disheartened to see the project abandoned. It’s free software, of course, so I hold out the hope that it will rise phoenix like and develop a community around it that will still make it possible for FXOS to be my personal mobile OS and the one I use to teach mobile app development in school.