For funnelcake, we’ve looked at various analyses by OS. Firefox users primarily use three operating systems: XP (first place by a wide margin), followed by Vista and then Mac. When looking at Firefox usage by OS, one pattern that stands out is usage by Vista users does not seem to drop significantly during weekends.
In a previous post, we considered the effect of day of the week on Fx usage (and internet usage more generally). The swing from a typical weekday to a Saturday or Sunday amounted to about a 20% drop-off in usage. For funnelcake users, we’ve seen that most of the Fx weekend usage decline in driven by XP users. However, this is explained by the fact that they represent the greatest percent of total users by OS; on a percentage basis, XP users show about a 20% weekend decline. Of the three biggest OS cohorts, Mac users display the greatest weekend drop-off on a percentage basis – about 25%.
And Vista users of Fx?
Their Fx usage decline on weekends amounts to a tiny 8%.
Furthermore, when we look across all Fx users (not just funnelcake users), the numbers are fairly similar. We’re not entirely sure what to make of this analysis… If you’re aware of any reasons or causal factors, we’re all ears!
AndyEd wrote on :
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