We recently took a look at one of the most critical activities within the Mozilla community – Firefox Support (support.mozilla.com). In that initial discussion, we investigated how Firefox users get to SUMO in the first place. Next, we want to consider the most common ways that users interact with the site once they arrive.
To accomplish this, we’ll look at the cohort of users arriving at SUMO via the inproduct page.
We previously saw that more than 71% of users find SUMO this way (all locales). Again looking at all Firefox locales, let’s see at the highest level what happens when a user enters SUMO:
Of the 9.2 million users entering SUMO last month through inproduct help, 14.3% used the site in some way. While the “bounce” rate of 85.7% is a little concerning, our SUMO community is currently making significant strides in an effort to increase that 14.3 percentage and improve the user’s experience. For example, the SUMO team is planning to roll-out a couple A/B optimization tests of the SUMO home page to help determine some reasons behind the bounce rate and some solutions around improving it.
Next, let’s look at what a user actually does on the SUMO site. Of the blue pie slice cohort above, what is the typical experience of this user? At a high level across all locales, we see that 71% start by utilizing the knowledge base search box and the other 29% click on something else on the page.
Perhaps the most insightful story that we can glean… the 71% of users searching varies significantly depending on where in the world a Firefox user is located. For users of the en-US locale of Firefox, that number is 78.4%, and for users of any non en-US locale, that number is 60.2%. That’s a big difference in how a user’s interaction with SUMO varies by region!
Lastly, for the 29% of users who are clicking elsewhere upon their arrival at SUMO, what exactly do they find most interesting, i.e., what exactly are they clicking on? For this analysis, we’re going to focus on just the en-US inproduct page. The half dozen most popular articles/links are highlighted (i.e., ranked by most clicks) below.
Summing up this discussion, we’ve just walked through (at a very high level) what a typical user’s interaction looks like with Firefox Support. We hope this dialogue will help draw added attention to the fantastic SUMO community, with the end goal of arriving at ideas that will drive a better experience for Firefox users seeking support.
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