Each month nearly 40,000,000 people click on this button within Firefox:
And then land here:
From past analysis, we know there are many unknowns about this user interaction. For example, what are a user’s expectations upon landing here? and why do so many people instantly leave the page without clicking anything?
To help address some of these unknowns, we recently extended our user outreach efforts to this page, providing users with the option of leaving feedback. (We previously discussed our current user outreach program in relation to both the Firefox install and update experiences.) More than 4,000 people have provided feedback over the past two months (to see how, click here and then click the orange feedback button), and below is high-level breakdown of those comments:
Next, and perhaps most importantly, we can also see the “satisfaction” score given by each of the cohorts above (scale is 1 to 5):
Given this information, a couple things seem abundantly clear:
- Of the 40,000,000 people arriving at this page, many are beginner or newbie users of Firefox, or of the internet/computers more generally
- This cohort of people is left feeling dissatisfied with the experience we provide them
So, how can we take these insights and turn them into action?
First, we’ll plan to make this page a part of our optimization roadmap where we’ll be able to experiment with radical new concepts, while also considering how this touch point fits in with the broader Firefox user experience. In the nearer term, though, we should probably consider some quick and easy wins as a temporary band-aid. Would adding a Firefox Support related element (example below) suffice?
Mouly wrote on :
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