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Mozilla Vancouver

June 04th, 2012 | Category: Mozilla Spaces,News and Events

Welcome to Vancouver.

At long last the Vancouver renovation is complete. What was once a maze of strangely shaped offices and dark hallways is now a warm and inviting space much better suited to Mozilla’s friendly open culture.

The design placed meeting rooms on the interior of the floor, rather than the exterior- providing access to large swaths of natural light.  The Vancouver architects listened to what Mozilla was really all about in order to achieve architecturally what Mozilla stands for as a company and a people. Their efforts strove to create an office space that would make the invisible visible.

To accomplish this, the interior space is defined by the “hol[e]y wall”; a continuous hole-punched object that allows you to see through to what lies beneath. To further accentuate this concept, the holey wall is fixed with LED strip lighting that provides an ever present glow- reminding us of all that happens beneath the surface. Meeting rooms have glass doors that allow you to see  inside, and the entryway invites you to sit in collaboration at a long co-working table.

The Vancouver office has a community event area that can host up to 40 people as well as a beautiful kitchen with new Astra espresso machine, organic snacks and drink selections and comfy sofas to relax by the windows. The Vancouver area is home to over 20 employees, and with 42 workstations, this office is ready to grow.

We’re happy to see the details come together on this space- and are sure that Vancouver will become a destination and hub for new talent, like many of the other Mozilla Spaces.

Stay up to date on what is going on in Vancouver by following us on Twitter @MozillaYVR and see more photos of our space in our Flickr Group.

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San Francisco’s Third Floor Renovation

June 04th, 2012 | Category: Mozilla Spaces,News and Events

Kevin Costner was right.

If you build it they will come.

And come they did. San Francisco has quickly become our fastest growing office. With over 100 employees and a wait list of many more- the third floor renovation could not come at a better time!

Outfitted in much the same style as the trendy 7th floor, the third will boast many similar amenities: snacks, kitchen and meeting rooms. While the 7th floor is best loved for its view of the Bay Bridge- the third floor is ready to take on a unique character of its own as people move in starting on June 8.

At 75% capacity on the third floor and 100% capacity on the 7th floor, Mozillians may wonder where we’ll take you next?




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Event Request Form on Service Now

June 04th, 2012 | Category: Mozilla Spaces,Tips

We’ve made it easier than ever before to request event space for your Meetups, hack-fests, lectures and parties. You can now submit your event request online in Service Now. Once submitted, someone from your local office will contact you about the details of your event.

Non-employee Mozillians should have their Mozilla host file their community events on Service Now now too. Public calendars with event listings are coming soon.

Please direct any questions to


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Mozilla Bike Program launches in San Francisco

June 04th, 2012 | Category: Mozilla Spaces,News and Events

Mozilla’s bike program was launched in San Francisco in May on the streets of the Embarcadero. These bright orange bikes with Firefox  panniers and branded helmets encourage San Fran employees to enjoy their beautiful city in style and health.

WPR was happy to help launch this program that we hope which we hope to grow to other Mozilla destinations in coming years.

What is your favorite lunch time destination in San Francisco?

WPR’s own Cristina Akimoff  showing off her Mozilla pride.

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Mozilla’s Portland Presence

April 20th, 2012 | Category: Mozilla Spaces

Photo Credit Reid Beels

At long last the green city known for its breweries and bookstores will house Portland Mozillians under one roof. Sharing space with like-minded companies at the Collective Agency, employees will now have an office to collaborate, socialize and spread the Mozilla love.

We caught up with Portland resident and longtime Mozillian, Dietrich Ayala to tell us a bit more about their office space.

How many Mozilla people are in the space right now? How many do you expect?

Right now there are two to three people in the office on any given day, with a total of 12 people signed up. Several people are moving their desktops from home into the space soon. It just opened this month, so we’re still ramping up – once we get the Vidyo machine running and snacks/coffee/drinks available, we’ll see more people here on a regular basis.

How many other people or companies are there? Does the co-working space have a name or any affiliation or social cause?

The co-working space is called Collective Agency. The tenants are software developers, tech and non-tech start-ups and entrepreneurs, artists and various non-profit workers. There’s also a brain scientist, a beer educator, and a sustainable toilet designer. It’s a democratic and mission-driven co-working space, with an elected council and a constitution.

Portland is known known for being super bike-friendly. Do most of you bike to the office?

Several of us do! If I look wet on Vidyo, that’s why! Some of us live too far out to bike. Taras Glek lives in Hillsborough, and takes train in most of the way and bikes the rest. Dave Camp takes the train in from Washington state!

Portland also has a reputation for gourmet food trucks. What is your favorite local food truck?

Our office is within walking distance of two large cart-pods in downtown Portland. My favorite cart for lunch is probably Nong’s Khao Man Gai, which serves a simple and delicious Thai chicken dish.

Can you put a bird on it?

Ha! At one point I was on a Vidyo call, and realized I was the only one with a piece of art in the background… and OF COURSE it had a bird on it. However, there’s no bird art in the coworking space that I’ve seen. Yet.

 Thanks to Dietrich and Reid Beels for his photos. More of Reid’s photos can be found on flickr.



WPR working around the Globe

April 20th, 2012 | Category: Mozilla Spaces

Photos from our newest sites around the globe.


Vantage Data Center, Santa Clara, CA *Now Open*

London Office *Now Open*

Vancouver Office *Opening Soon*

San Francisco Bike Shed *Opening Soon*

San Francisco Floor 3 *Opening Soon*


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