Attendees: cilias, zzxc, cww, nkoth
- David is in MV for a Marketing Work Week
- Weekly metrics
- Last week’s weekly support issues
- Bookmarks issue (places.sqlite) is way up. Still investigating cause.
- 0.7.2 to be pushed on Thursday bug list
- Logo Candidates. Post your feedback on Tara’s blog post.
- No clear favorite.
- Need to clear up with David, whether or not Firefox logo can be incorporated in to Support logo.
- SFD planning
- cilias to go through content to cover in his presentation.
- Cww to talk with locale drivers to coordinate workload.
Knowledge Base
- Bugzilla: 1 new article request bug 463477, 0 article bugs verified fixed
- That new article request is for an article on Private browsing (i.e. 3.1 documentation major feature)
- Upgrading Firefox article is going to be renamed to Updating Firefox
- Top 15 articles are now translated in German
- Still want feedback on article editor mockups
- In-product help discussion status:
- It’s too late in Firefox 3.1 development to consider adding help-topic links.
- Localization issue is still up in the air, but now have some metrics. (Interesting stat: 65% of all traffic is in-product help start pages)
Support Forum
- foxkehbot is now reporting forum threads that need answering in #sumo.
- Users coming from Live Chat can also insert the handle of the a person that helped them, and foxkehbot will ping that person.
- Will have stats next week to see whether or not foxkehbot is improving things.
Live Chat
- Metrics update:
- Traffic down again, percentage answered is high
- 4 new accounts, 2 account approvals (ezadkiel, moon)
- Number of broken bookmarks cases without Norton 360 (contributors forum thread) were up last week, around 4 cases per day.
- Full stats for all issues will be on Live Chat issue guide later today
- Feedback wanted on new Live Chat troubleshooting guide
- What is the best method/channel of communication between support communities with regards to weekly issues?
- Currently assumed that the best method is to post in their forums, but something more efficient is desired.
- Have some solutions to discuss on Support Firefox Day.