Categories: Spotlight

Spotlight on Mozilla Kenya & MozTour Rwanda

This week, we’re not gonna throw the spotlight on a single person, but on a whole community: About 10,000 miles away from the Mozilla HQ in Mountain View, Mozilla Kenya spreads the awesomeness of Mozilla in East Africa!

It all started when Firefox 4 was released back in March 2011. A crowd of fellow Firefox enthusiasts and members of the community threw a launch party to kick off the new beginning of the community. Since then, the community has spread Mozilla and its projects at various talks and even organized a Firefox localization Hackathon where a handful of contributors translated Firefox to Swahili.

Recently, a well balanced team that consists of Alex, Hezron, Cliff and Vicky decided to go out and spread their mission in Rwanda on the 6th of June. It’s the second in a series that center around Open Web technologies and HTML 5 as a cross platform tool.

“The tour was a great success, more than we had actually anticipated.”, Alex says in his detailed blog post about the tour. “I would do this all over again.”

For bringing the joy of Mozilla and the Open Web to many people, the Mozilla Kenya community definitely deserves to be in the spotlight – along with Alex, Hezron, Cliff and Vicky for their awesome MozTour in Rwanda. Check out the other Spotlight entries or Bonjour Mozilla to find out more about other Mozillians.