Archive for April, 2009

Mozilla Stammtisch in München !

Friday, April 10th, 2009


Die Mozilla Community ist ja über die ganze Welt verteilt und deshalb starten wir so genannte Mozilla-Stammtische (MozillaMeetups), die die Mozilla Community auf regionaler Ebene (z.b. München, Berlin) zusammen bringen soll.

Diese Stammtische sind für alle Interessierten am Mozilla Projekt offen.

Das heißt für Leute die bereits im Projekt mitarbeiten (testen, patches schreiben, übersetzen usw) , für Leute die mitarbeiten wollen aber vielleicht nicht wissen wo man am besten startet, und generell für Leute die am Projekt interessiert sind und schon immer eine Frage zu Mozilla/Firefox hatten.

Natürlich sind Firefox Fans auch sehr willkommen.

Das ganze soll dazu dienen die Mozilla Community zu vergrößern, Fragen die schon immer da waren zu beantworten und auch neue aktive Community Mitglieder zu finden !

Diese Stammtische sind ein lockeres beisammensein (also keine Konferenz) und sind meist abends während der Woche.

Wir hoffen, das viele Community Mitglieder weltweit solche Stammtische organisieren.

Da ich in der Münchner Gegend wohne, fange ich damit an im Mai den ersten Mozilla Stammtisch zu organisieren.

Als Termin habe ich mir den 14.Mai überlegt (so ab ca. 18 Uhr).

Damit ich abschätzen kann, wie viele Plätze wir reservieren müssen, gebt mir bitte kurz per E-Mail direkt an Bescheid, wenn und mit wie vielen Personen ihr kommen wollt.

Auch generelles Feedback ist willkommen !

Mehr Informationen zu den Mozilla Meetups gibts auch hier:

Viele Gruesse und schoene Ostern !

– Carsten

MozillaMeetup in Munich in May!

Friday, April 10th, 2009


as posted before, i plan to start the first MozillaMeetup in Munich !

As date i plan to do this at May, 14 starting about 6pm local time.

So when you are interested to join please let me know via email:

and Happy Easter !

– Tomcat

Join the COS! CafeOpenSource – “Meet Open Source unplugged” is comming soon !

Thursday, April 9th, 2009


as 2nd Project beside the MozillaMeetups i work together with Florian on OpenSource Meetups. With the help from the Community (thanks again guys!) we have found a name and will call it CafeOpenSource – “Meet Open Source unplugged” (or short name COS 🙂

A wiki page and Facebook/Linkedin,etc Groups is created and i hope to post a date for the first Event (that will happen in May) on the weekend, so stay tuned !

So join the COS 🙂 and happy Easter !

– Tomcat

MozillaMeetups …and more :)

Friday, April 3rd, 2009


as some of you know, before i got hired by Mozilla is was since several years Mozilla Community Member and a lot of great people helped to get started, to find the docs to get started and answered my questions in the beginning and helped me to find my way in the “Mozilla Universe”.

I have also now as Mozilla Employee a lot of contact to the Community as example on IRC, Conferences like Cebit/MAOW and i always get a lot of Questions about Mozilla and how to get involved – people are very interested to be part of the fantastic Community!

I was invited to join one of the regular OpenOffice Meetup in Munich (thanks again Florian!) and i found it very impressive, about 12 OpenOffice Community Member got together to discuss and talk about OpenOffice in a very informal atmosphere (no sessions, no agenda, just getting together).

And i was thinking that this would be a great thing to have such meetups also for the Mozilla Community. And so i developed the Idea of the “MozillaMeetups” (if someone has a more creative naming, send me a mail 🙂 – A get together open for everyone – for people who are interested to contribute to Mozilla (Hack/Test/Spread the word/etc) and also is open to people who have questions about Mozilla.

The Idea of this Meetups is to connect Mozilla Community Members in local areas (like the Munich Area where i live). And i think this meetups can be organized all over the world. The Mozilla Community and Firefox Fans and even Mozilla Employee’s are spread over the world, so if you are interested in organizing such a Meetup in your local area, feel free!

So how does a typical meetup look like:

* They can happening during the week, as example on Wednesday
* The Location is a restaurant or other location where you can put tables together
* Starting as example a 6pm and plan to be there 3-4 hours
* People can join/leave whenever they want and everyone pay his own bill
* As this meetups happen in restaurants, people can eat&drink during the meetup
* People chat on the table about various topics, new features, how to get involved, how to start with Mozilla….there is no agenda, everyone can chat on the topic they want

So its very simple to organize such a Meetup ! We plan to do such a Meetup (the “prototype” 🙂 in Munich/Germany in May and i hope there will be a lot more everywhere ! 🙂

I have created a Project on – and if you have feedback, feel free to comment in the Spreadfirefox Group or send me an email: !

Also in addition to the Mozilla Meetups i work together with Florian Effenberger from the OpenOffice Project on something that we call “OpenSourceMeetups” (we are working on a more creative name 🙂 Idea is to bring OpenSource Projects together in a local region like as example the greater Munich Area and to Connect People that are interested in getting involved into OpenSource.

It should be a way to connect OpenSource Projects, to exchange knowledge and to maybe work together on local events.
As Prototype and best-practice showcase we plan the event in the Munich Area (for those who are not familiar with Germany, Munich is the High-Tech Area of Germany).

We have so far we have no set date or location for this OpenSourceMeetups, but i will blog here and you can also find more information -> here

Feedback and suggestions are welcome 🙂 !

– Tomcat