A great Day for the Internet starts!
Tuesday, June 30th, 2009Hi,
a great day is coming ahead with the Release of Firefox 3.5 !
Stay tuned and please help to spread the Word and join the Shiretoko “Shock” Campain !
– Tomcat
a great day is coming ahead with the Release of Firefox 3.5 !
Stay tuned and please help to spread the Word and join the Shiretoko “Shock” Campain !
– Tomcat
To make triage-life easier and to identify Firefox Crash and Critical Bugs we are thinking about ways to strengthen and build the number of people working on nightly triage and create a Community-Triage Team, and on some ideas to set up a priority system for which bugs get looked at first in the nightly triage work.
Focus of this Team should be on the unconfirmed Crash [and Critical] Bugs that are filed everyday [as the first priority, then move on to other classes of bugs]. With doing this daily it allows us to find regressions/crashes sooner and faster and also allow us (if the crash is on a website) to create a testcase for this Crash before a site changes. Its also clear that a lot of these crash bugs are frequently missing key information and several iterations are needed to gather information to make the bug useful. We should formalize steps to close the bugs as “incomplete” after some time period if not enough information is being added to the bug. We can encourage the filer to reopen if more info becomes available.
The Team is open and everyone can join (the sign up for the mailinglist is here https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/community-triageteam) – Also feel free to tell others about this new Project and Team.
– Tomcat & Chofmann
about a week ago (12-14 June) Community Member from Spain/Germany/Italy/France and Denmark + 5 Mozilla Employees got together in Geneva/Swiss to talk about Status of Localization-Teams, QA, SUMO and a lot of other topics.
In my talks i talked about QA and L10n and about the MozillaMeetups.
I got very great feedback from the L10n Teams about what we can improve in the Tools (like litmus) and whats on the L10n Wishlist, like a QA Dashboard. I think that a lot of the things we discussed during the Meeting will result in improvements to make the QA work for our L10n Teams easier.
I was very impressed about the Session where the L10n Teams and our Community really rocks !
Also Big Thanks to William for organizing this Event !
– Tomcat
wie bereits angekuendigt, findet am 24.Juni der erste Mozilla Stammtisch in Berlin statt !
und zwar haben wir einen Tisch reserviert:
am Mittwoch, den 24. Juni,
ab ca. 18:00 Uhr
in der Tiergartenquelle (www.tiergartenquelle.de) in der naehe S-Bahnhof Tiergarten.
Wenn noch jemand teilnehmen moechte, bitte kurz per E-Mail direkt an tomcat@mozilla.com Bescheid, wenn und mit wie vielen Personen ihr kommen wollt!
Vielen Dank und viele Gruesse !
Bis Mittwoch dann !
– Carsten / Tomcat
wir planen nun auch die Meetups in Berlin zu starten.
Wir planen das erste MozillaMeetup in Berlin am 24.Juni (das ist waehrend des Linuxtages 2009) !
Ort gebe ich dann noch bekannt.
Damit ich abschätzen kann, wie viele Plätze wir reservieren müssen, gebt mir bitte kurz per E-Mail direkt
an tomcat@mozilla.com bescheid, wenn und mit wie vielen Personen ihr kommen wollt.
Vielen Dank und viele Gruesse !
– Carsten / Tomcat
wie bereits angekuendigt, findet am 17.Juni der naechste Mozilla Stammtisch in München statt !
und zwar haben wir einen Tisch reserviert:
am Mittwoch, den 17. Juni,
ab 18:00 Uhr
im Augustinerkeller in der Arnulfstraße in Bahnhofsnähe (www.augustinerkeller.de).
Wenn noch jemand teilnehmen moechte, bitte kurz per E-Mail direkt an tomcat@mozilla.com Bescheid, wenn und mit wie vielen Personen ihr kommen wollt!
Vielen Dank und viele Gruesse !
Bis naechste Woche dann !
– Carsten / Tomcat
so back from the Mozilla Meetup in Sweden !
A big thanks to the guys from Bwin and especially to Patrick for organization of this Meetup ! It was a evening with great talks from “Mr. Sumo” David Tenser about the support.mozilla.com Project, William about Community Marketing and the great Robert Nyman and also from me about getting involved into Mozilla QA.
Beside the interesting talks we had some great conversation with Community Members and i hope that we got on this evening a lot of new Community Members for the Swedish Community and QA, SUMO, Addons and Marketing.
My presentation slides can be found here : https://wiki.mozilla.org/images/c/c4/Stockholm-meetup-qa.pdf