Thanks to everyone who attended our Add-ons Meet-up on Tuesday. We estimate about 50-60 people came, and Alex Sirota has posted some great photos he took.
The night started off with pizza and a presentation by Nick Nguyen on the state and roadmap of AMO. Aza Raskin of Mozilla Labs then gave a presentation and demo of Jetpack, followed by presentations by Justin Scott on Collections/Bandwagon and developer.AMO. Wil Clouser talked about our plans for an add-on parsing tool, followed by a Chromebug demo by John J. Barton and a presentation on games in Firefox by Justin Hall.
We recorded all of the sessions and will be posting them on this blog in the near future. Finding a way to split up a large ogg video is more challenging than expected — helpful tips welcome!
If you attended and haven’t already given us feedback, we’d really appreciate a response to our quick survey so we can make the next even better. Stay tuned to this blog for updates on when that will occur.