The London and SFO-area Add-on SDK workshop planning is moving full steam ahead:
- Blog posts announcing the London workshop.
- We’re close to booking a venue for the bay-area workshop, should have news later this week!
Weekly Dev Meeting notes
- Add-on SDK 1.1 RC1 builds will be rolled this afternoon, any remaining fixes must be in before then.
- 1.1 release is on track for September 13.
- bug-specific discussions:
- not landing docs bug 659478 for 1.1, will mitigate via blogging
- bug 649889: async I/O discussion
- bug 682167: visibility of some globals in a sandbox
- testing AMO add-on repacks to mitigate incompatibilities between Firefox Beta and SDK 1.0 that are fixed in 1.1.
- Wes has updated the SDK Bug Dashboard:
Full minutes are available here:
The Add-on SDK team meets weekly on Tuesday mornings at 10AM Pacific. For information on how to participate, please see these instructions: