Add-on SDK: weekly update for Sept. 20th, 2011


Project Meeting Brief

  • SDK re-pack is blocked on an IT database issue, hoping for a fix today
  • discussion on how to best generate planned feature list for a release
  • 1Password partner support
  • discussion on changes to SDK Dev plan
  • Planet Jetpack

Full minutes are available here:

The Add-on SDK team at Mozilla is very geographically distributed, so when a fair number of us do get together we like to take the opportunity to get together, socialize, and ( if possible ) eat insects!

Here is a photo of the team out for dinner and drinks at San Jose’s Mezcal:

Mezcal specializes is an appetizer of grilled grasshoppers:

The general consensus was that they had a pleasant, raisin-like flavour and a distinct nuttiness, although Myk insists his favourite is still deep-fried scorpions.