Categories: builder jetpack releases sdk

Announcing Add-on SDK 1.7!

The Jetpack team is happy to announce the release of Add-on SDK version 1.7! You can download the SDK directly in either zip or tarball format. This version of the SDK is mostly a bug-fix release but with a few added features.

Some of the important features included in this release are:

For more new features and a list of the bug fixes that are shipping in this release, please see the Release Notes.

As of this writing the documentation for SDK 1.7 is not available in the usual place, however they should be available by Thursday, May 17th. I will update this post when they are live, but in the meantime you have two options:

  1. view them on Github: [ Tutorials & Guides ] [ Addon-kit API Docs ]
  2. download the SDK, activate the SDK environment and then run cfx docs to generate your own local copy of the documentation.

As always, we’d love to hear from you about your experiences with this release. You can contact us in a variety of ways:

post to our discussion group
chat with us on #jetpack
report a bug
check out the source and contribute bug fixes, enhancements, or documentation

For more information on the Jetpack Project check out our wiki.

3 comments on “Announcing Add-on SDK 1.7!”

  1. S. Jaouani wrote on

    So, where’s the release? There’s no link for the ZIP.

    1. Jeff Griffiths wrote on

      Good catch! I have included links to the zip and tarball downloads in the first paragraph.

  2. freeclup wrote on

    good! nice work