Please meet our newest Friend of Add-ons, Sylvain Giroux! Sylvain has been creating extensions for Firefox since 2007 and began contributing to (AMO) as an add-on reviewer in 2015. While he had originally planned to help with the add-on review queues for a few months before moving on to other activities, Sylvain quickly connected with Mozilla’s mission and found friends within the community, and has been an active contributor ever since.
Currently, Sylvain is an add-on reviewer and peer mentor for new reviewers. He is also helping the AMO team create an improved application process for prospective add-on reviewers. Additionally, Sylvain is finishing a six-month term as a member of the featured add-on advisory board, where he has helped nominate and select new extensions to feature on AMO each month.
Of his experience as a contributor, Sylvain says, “Being part of such a vast community helped me understand the underlying AMO process and its continuous evolution over time. This is especially important with the massive changes that Firefox 57 is bringing to this community. The knowledge I’ve gathered reviewing code after all those years has also strengthened my understanding of what “safe code” should look like. This is especially important when creating web-based software, APIs or features that may affect the security and privacy of end-users.”
Sylvain also has a suggestion for anyone interested in getting more involved in Mozilla. “I strongly suggest people visit and see if there is something in there that could bring you closer to this awesome free-software community.”
In his spare time, Sylvain is an active home-brewer and has made nearly twenty batches of beer over the last three years from home-grown hops. He also frequently creates personal development projects, like fixing bugs for a nodeJS card game program, to meet new challenges and keep his coding skills up to date.
On behalf of the AMO community, thank you for your many wonderful contributions, Sylvain!
If you are interested in contributing to the add-ons community, please see our wiki for a list of ways to get involved. If you’re currently a contributor, please be sure to add your contributions to our recognition wiki!
Philippe Cayouette
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Jorge Villalobos
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