Mozilla Voices has a new name!

Hey gang, Anthony Duignan-Cabrera here, Editor in Chief of what was originally known as Mozilla Voices.

It was felt that the initiative needed a new name, one that made it clear to the audience that this online news and content platform wasn’t ABOUT Mozilla, but about our mission and support of open systems and a free and healthy Internet.

We opened it up to the community and we received dozens of great ideas, some generating wonderful conversations.

But there was one that just jumped out and caused us to pause and take note: The Open Standard

It completely captured the spirit of what we want to accomplish. Not just as a play on words, but one steeped in both the great journalism traditions and Mozilla’s overall mission.

The name was suggested by Justin Crawford, Product Manager for Developer Relations, and when I asked what inspired him, he sent me the most wonderful explanation:

“I love old newspaper names, the ones that use bold words to try and explain what a newspaper is about. It’s a “Monitor” or a “Camera” or it is the “Times” or an “Inquirer” or it is the “Globe”. Those are aspirational names: They say, “A newspaper is not just school board minutes, it’s not about ads. A newspaper is a camera on the times, monitoring the globe, inquiring after facts.”

My dad (Rocky Mountain News circa 1968-1981) has a belt with the word “Newsman” swooping across it like the word “Superman” in old comic books. Maybe the news business isn’t what it was in the 20th century, but at its best, the news did and does live up to its bold self-image. It holds us all to higher standards than our natures might otherwise cleave to. This is what I also admired about Mozilla when I decided to join: We make standards, and we make products that embody standards, and we do it in the open. We do what we do for the sake of standards.

“The Open Standard” is a cute play on words (“Standard” is an old newspaper name, and “open standards” are … well, you know), and that’s what initially brought it to mind. But this name is more than cute. The Open Standard will be a beacon, a tribune. It will rally and inform. In its finest hour it will live up to its name.”

I couldn’t have said it better. Thank you, Justin.