Categories: Spotlight

Firefox 48 new contributors

With the release of Firefox 48, we are pleased to welcome the 78 developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release, 57 of whom were brand new volunteers! Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions:

10 comments on “Firefox 48 new contributors”

  1. suthep jangtai wrote on


  2. Rose wrote on

    The new firefox 48 messed up the drop down url highlight. Can’t read the text its white.

  3. Stephanie Miner wrote on

    Thank you very much

    1. Stephanie Cavins wrote on

      Thank you for your time and consideration

  4. Ron Yaraskavitch wrote on

    I noticed version 48 is faster because I have an old laptop running Vista (I didn’t upgrade to Windows 7 because I wasn’t using it) and it played a HD youtube video without problems; the previous version lagged.

    Good job! Thanks.

  5. Nancy wrote on

    Thank you for the great update!

  6. Flavio Multineddu wrote on

    Mozilla über alles!

  7. Dawn Lamb wrote on

    I have been having an issue someone is installing a system on Firefox Mozilla. I want this to stop immediately. Someone is doing this from a remote location. I am tired of no phone or web browser of keeping passwords they are changed as soon as you try to get on or change the password.

  8. Vinayak wrote on

    How can i also contribute in making Mozilla a better browser????????///

    I am eager as i have been using Mozilla for many years and i want to be a part of its upgrades.

    and thanks everyone for making version 48 more better.

  9. Janet wrote on

    Please make Firefox more compatible with Windows 10. I really have numerous problems since installing 10 and they lead me to Firefox. Thanks. I love Firefox, so not want to change.