With the release of Firefox 48, we are pleased to welcome the 78 developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release, 57 of whom were brand new volunteers! Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions:
- k.krish: 1231655, 1242624
- kevin.corre: 1252459
- litunone: 1227321
- narek_babajanyan: 1257901
- pipcet: 1244491, 1258632
- tyamaguchi.gentoo: 1257067, 1259675
- vfilippov: 1249029
- Grisha Kruglov: 1046709, 1248046, 1249783, 1255728, 1265971, 1265979, 1266162, 1266232
- Amit Kr. Chandra: 1262646
- Andreas Farre: 949413, 1254313, 1262557
- Andrew Lawson: 1262744
- Anjana Vakil: 1258003
- Arata Furukawa: 1258820, 1259655, 1259679
- Barbara Bermes: 1252617
- Bevis Tseng: 1198093, 1265973
- Cara: 1257983
- Carim Tho: 1146990
- Charles Collicutt: 1261392, 1261567, 1263429
- Christopher Grebs: 1253645, 1253646
- Claas Augner: 1231812
- Cédric Desgranges: 1143712
- Daisuke Akatsuka: 1237173, 1244633, 1244638, 1244643, 1248532, 1253470, 1253493, 1254761, 1256560, 1260933, 1263047
- Decky Coss: 1142212
- Delphine Lebédel: 1271839, 1274866, 1276674
- Dinarte Jesus: 1250685
- Dinesh Polathula: 1255204, 1255206, 1255374, 1257217
- Eduard R.: 1196784
- Espen H: 1251767
- Esteban Escandell: 1242988
- Fernanda Dias: 1256529
- Fred Lin: 969443, 1219495, 1260718, 1262639, 1263557
- Gloria Guy: 1256996
- Greg Mierzwinski: 1252995
- Greg Weng: 1198701
- Jan Sonntag: 514209
- Jason Laster: 900763, 1233927, 1250110, 1258821, 1258892, 1260116, 1260160, 1260529, 1261956, 1262225
- Jorick Caberio: 1261039, 1261040
- Katie Broida: 1151449
- Kim Brown: 1130979
- Kirk Steuber: 1235056, 1248985, 1260836, 1264037
- Kumar McMillan: 1246030, 1256246, 1261522
- Mark Striemer: 1245606, 1245636
- Mathieu Leplatre: 1250191, 1257556, 1262389
- Matt O’Connor: 580165
- Ming-Chou Shih: 1209766, 1225756, 1240436, 1254098, 1255597
- Mouaad Aallam: 1255394, 1261044
- Nagma Kapoor: 1255051
- Nathalie Rud: 1256973, 1256978
- Oriol
: 1258205 - Petr Marek: 1111663
- Phil: 1256773
- Rachel King: 1255064
- Rakhi: 891897, 1238866, 1259389
- Ray Lin: 1065076
- Ricky Chien: 1259340
- Rob: 1244640
- Rob Wu: 1226754
- Roman Lopez: 1255006
- Rutuja: 1061521, 1115006
- Ryo Kato: 1244591, 1244642, 1255682, 1260353, 1261561
- Sean Lee: 1191092
- Shawn Huang: 918706, 918707, 1146418, 1259588
- Stephan Leroux: 1252015
- Steve Melia: 1256658, 1259060, 1259126
- Steven Low: 1247548
- Stuart Colville: 1245644
- Thom Chiovoloni: 1239845, 1248506, 1261172
- Thomas Nguyen: 1186072, 1260664
- Umesh Kumhar: 1256236, 1256288
- Zach Munro-Cape: 1251600
- Zibi Braniecki: 1263040
- bzrd_Sdn: 1256922
- cijo: 1187382, 1254965
- emi suzuki: 1259883
- iawaknahc: 1148200
- sasa cocic: 1253872
- shundroid: 1259663
- so61pi: 1242456
- tofumatt: 1237822
suthep jangtai wrote on
Rose wrote on
Stephanie Miner wrote on
Stephanie Cavins wrote on
Ron Yaraskavitch wrote on
Nancy wrote on
Flavio Multineddu wrote on
Dawn Lamb wrote on
Vinayak wrote on
Janet wrote on