Apologies for the radio silence on this blog – we’ve been busy getting Firefox 2 out the door. Now that that’s done, we’ll be introducing some new additions to Mozilla Labs.
First, I’d like to introduce a new member of the virtual Mozilla Labs team, Alex Faaborg. He joined Mozilla about a month ago as a User Experience Designer and has been contributing to the interface design and direction of Firefox 3. Alex comes to Mozilla from the MIT Media Lab and has a ton of great ideas that you will see in the months to come. He will be contributing to this blog and you can follow his latest thoughts on his blog about user experience design at Mozilla.
Second, we’ll be starting a new feature on the Mozilla Labs blog with guest authors. These are Mozilla community members, academic researchers, developers from industry and others who have designed or developed new ideas around web technologies and Firefox. Some authors will have wacky ideas, others on target. Our goal is to stimulate discussion, highlight different concepts that are driving innovation on the Web forward, and in some cases showcase tech that you can try out or experiment with.
So stay tuned.