In early September we challenged students from universities around the world to develop concepts and solutions to the question: “Browsing History — How can we make sense of this rich source of data and how do we best present this data to the user?” [read the full brief here]
[UPDATE] The students from the Interaction Design Studio at the University of Sydney, Australia, submitted their mockups and prototypes. See below for links to the individual submissions.
Students from four schools took the challenge and worked intensively on their ideas – some in the form of a Design Jam next to their normal course work, other as part of their university assignments.
In the last few weeks students from Parsons The New School for Design presented their concepts to an excited crowd of Mozillians during one of the Mozilla Design Lunches. The students presented their concepts and excellent mockups via video conference and received direct feedback from both the Mozilla Labs and Add-ons teams. The teams are now busy polishing their mockups, incorporating the feedback and submitting their final work in the next few weeks.
In the meantime the students engaged in the University of Michigan SOCHI student organization finished up their mockups and submitted a series of interesting concepts and very polished mockups:
- Natalia Fischer’s Snapshot History
- Tom Haynes’ Timeline
- Katie McCurdy and Kiran Jagadeesh’s Firefox Foresight
- Jose Jimenez’s Mozilla’s History Browsing
In Brazil the students at PUC Minas also got busy and created a whole series of amazing concepts:
- Marcello Cardoso’s Browse Back
- Harlley Oliveira’s My Web
- Humberto Massa and Marcelo Bruzzi’s Down the Memory Lane
- Diego CS, Leonardo Shibuya and Vitor Peçanha’s Memory Fox
- Danilo Strauss Neto and Charles Silva Lacerda’s HistorySearch
- Erika Goular, Nathália Massote, Olavo Xavier and Samuel Burlamaqui’s HistoryBrowse
- Flávio Cavalieri, Rodrigo Diniz and Tiago Rigoletto’s History 09
The students from the University of Sydney’s Interaction Design Studio submitted a series of excellent mockups and prototypes:
- Team cK: Cherry Chau and Qi Wu’s History Bubbles [Overview | Video | Prototype]
- Team Dr Poo: Jason Chan and Jimmy Lee’s 3D Rotating View [Overview | Video]
- Team Go! Aiden Benton and Ryo Yambe’s Web Tree [Overview | Video]
- Team JoC: Sze-Ming Yick and Joanna Chang’s UrStory [Overview | Video]
- Team Little Glass Vial: Anniese Josey and Arwen Whiting’s Hounded Fox [Overview]
- Team minimouse: Kristal Tang and Young-Long Kim’s Minimouse History [Overview | Video]
- Team PJ: Deanne Goard and Annabelle McGee’s PJ History [Overview | Video]
- Team PurpleMonkeyDishwasher: Sanjay Dutt and Scindya Datt’s Sidebar History [Overview | Video]
- Team StringPost: Ramon Rodrigo and Loan Myers’ StringPost [Overview | Video]
- Team Tamara feat Oliver: Tamara Chahine and Oliver Dawson’s Footsteps [Overview | Video]
- Team Awesome: Emily Allcock and Bernard Bucalon’s Kaleidoscope [Overview | Video]
- Team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Josh McInerheney and Jin Lim’s TMNT Browser History [Overview | Video]
Make sure you check out the concepts from all three schools – they are not only excellent ideas and concepts but also amazingly high quality mockups and prototypes..
What’s next?
We’ll post more concepts including the works from the students of Parsons The New School of Design. We’ll also provide direct feedback to the students and will make the results available to the wider Mozilla community.
Stay tuned!