Just three days ago we announced the voting for the Design Challenge “People’s Choice Awards”. Within 72 hours, more than 1,400 people registered to choose, each voting on their five randomly selected concepts of the nearly 50 submissions.
As mentioned in our first announcement, this time around we are trying out a different voting concept. The process is based on the work by Christian Terwiesch and Karl Ulrich at The Wharton School. Participants vote only on 5 randomly selected submissions out of the total pool of nearly 50 concepts. Benefits of the process include less work for the participant (only 5 concepts to vote on) and minimizes the risk of gaming the system.
Presently all concepts have received by far enough individual votes to be statistically relevant. And after receiving numerous requests from the wider community to set up a second round of voting based on the top 10 concepts from the first round, we are happy to announce that we’re going into a second round!
In the second round we will once again ask the wider community to cast their vote – this time on three randomly selected concepts out of the top 10. On Monday, February 22nd, we will announce the top 10 submissions from the first round and open voting to the second round. Voting will be open until midnight March 1st.
If you participated in the first round, you can use your log in for the second round voting. And to say “thank you” again, all registered voters in the second round have the chance to be one of five lucky people, who get a fat Mozilla swag-pack for their votes! (this is independent from the five swag bags from the first round)
– Pascal on behalf of the Mozilla Labs Design Challenge Team