The Latest Study
Today, we are excited to announce our next Test Pilot study, the first as part of the larger Feedback initiative of the Firefox 4 Beta program. Look out for the Firefox 4 Beta Interface Study in the next few days and see below for more information, including ways you can get involved!
This study will explore the ways users interact with the Firefox menu bar, Firefox button (on Windows Vista and 7), and toolbar controls in the main window. By understanding how users commonly interact with these controls, we will be able to streamline and simplify the user interface in Firefox 4 Beta. The aggregated, anonymous data you provide by participating in this study will directly help improve our next version of Firefox.
Test Champions:
- Alex Faaborg, Principal Designer, Firefox UX.
- Cheng Wang, Firefox Beta Support Lead.
Test Duration: 7 days
Get Involved!
- If you are testing Firefox 4 Beta, the Feedback Add-On will notify you before the study starts, at which point you can view a detailed study description and choose to opt-out of the study if you wish. For more information on how Test Pilot in Firefox 4 beta works, please see the “How it Will Work” section here.
- If you are not running Firefox 4 Beta, what are you waiting for? Help test the future of Firefox by downloading the latest Firefox 4 Beta!
- This study is designed to capture usage of the Firefox 4 interface, so if you are a Test Pilot Add-On user not running Firefox 4 Beta, we invite you to get on the latest beta to participate in this study. As a Test-Pilot user, you’ll still have the ability to run the study, but some items may not record correctly. If do choose to join the study and submit your data, we’ll simply separate your data into a different bucket.
- And of course, please share your questions and suggestions in the Test Pilot discussion group or on Twitter .
As always, security and privacy are priorities when Mozilla is dealing with user data. All privacy settings that the Test Pilot program has developed to give users control over their data will remain the same for the Feedback Add-On in Firefox 4 Beta. These include:
- Participants’ data will be transmitted to Mozilla only when they take all of the following actions:
* Join the Firefox 4 Beta program by downloading the beta with the Feedback Add-On.
* Submit data when the test is finished. Participants will be able to review all data before choosing whether or not to submit it. - Test data will be stored anonymously and in aggregate. None of it will be publicly associated with any personally identifiable information.
- Participants can quit a Test Pilot study before they submit any test data.
- Participants can opt-out from all user studies or disable the Feedback Add-On itself at any time. Learn more.