Happy New Year Game On Community!
Friendly reminder: the finish line for the Game On competition is just one week away on the 11th of January, 2011! If you want to build a game for the whole wide Web to use, this is your chance to make that game. We’re beyond excited to see what the possibilities will be, so we’re building a gallery to show your games to the world! This gallery will be opening soon after the contest ends.
As we shared just before Christmas, Santa has been very generous with his goodies for the winners of Game On. We have a fabulous set of prizes to shower on our winners and we can’t wait to give them out. We’ve gathered together a growing list of expert judges who can’t wait to choose the winning games. The somewhat unquantifiable but most valuable prize will of course be your audience the millions of people who will be able to play your games right from their Web browsers.
So, let’s get this Game On already!