Student Outreach: Software Engineering students at the University of Sussex are visited by Mozilla WebQA

University of Sussex

Martin Berger, a lecturer at the University of Sussex recently invited Mozilla, to talk to his group of Software Engineering students. This was a unique opportunity for the 100 odd students to get away from all the theory — and hear first hand about some practical examples within industry.

The Talk — ‘Test Automation – How We Do Things at Mozilla’

Delivered by David Burns (Blog | Twitter) – Senior Developer in Test at Mozilla in WebQA, the talk focused on and showcased how Mozilla goes about testing it’s myriad of web properties.

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Blog Posts


As an extension to our Student Outreach channel, we have begun offering guest lectures or talks — from both staff members and industry professionals — to students of tertiary educational institutions.

These talks are primarily focused in and around, but not limited to, the areas of:

  • software engineering
  • user experience design

Past talks include:

If you’re interested in having a talk take place at your school, please email: cyberdees[at]mozilla[dot]com