Local champions — Dr. Sabin Buraga (@busaco_), Stefan Negru (@blankdots), Dr. Lenuta Alboaie & Andrei Panu — invite neophytes, apprentices, and experts in Human-Computer Interaction and related fields on 3 & 4 June 2011 to attend the first edition of the Design Jam Iasi, Romania, an event organized in conjunction to Summer Web 2011.
Based on a Mozilla initiative, Design Jam Iasi #1 will be held in just over a weeks time at the Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi within the Faculty of Computer Science. The jam will add an extra day to this years Summer Web 2011 event.
What’s It All About
Design Jam Iasi is a two-day venue, during which people team up to discuss, share ideas and solve engaging UX challenges. The day champions open-source thinking & sharing under Creative Commons licenses (check out past Design Jams).
The event is non-profit and supported by the Mozilla Labs Concept Series, The Red Point, Faculty of Computer Science, UAIC Romania, and ASII (The Association of The Informatics’ Students from Iasi).
Event Details
Spaces are limited — so grab your free ticket via Eventbrite today!
Date: 3 / 4 June 2011 (Friday/Saturday)
Time: 14:00 to 20:00 / 08:30 – 18:00
Venue: Room C308, Faculty of Computer Science, Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi
Address: General Berthelot, 16, Iasi 700483 (map)
For full information & schedule check out the Design Jam Iasi Wiki.
Day 1
The first day (June, 3rd) consists of a series of presentations about selected topics (Interaction Design, UX, Design Patterns, UI, etc) within Summer Web 2011, a workshop on Web technologies organized by Dr. Sabin Buraga since 2001. Several interesting talks are already confirmed:
- Design principles — Alecsandru Grigoriu, MSc student and 4 times participant at the Mozilla Labs Design Challenges
- Creating things for the Internet of things — Stefan Negru, PhD Student
- Mozilla Jetpack – Laurian Gridinoc, Mozilla Add-ons ambassador
- Web 3D — Victor Porof, Google Summer of Code student at Mozilla (working on the Tilt project)
- Developing games for the mobile devices — Victor Porof & Alecsandru Grigoriu
Day 2
On the second day (June, 4th), attendees – Students or Experienced Practitioners, Interaction Designers, UX Researchers, Information Architects, Web and Graphic Designers and Developers – will assign themselves to a group based on the skills they contribute and what they would like to learn. The teams will have to tackle a design challenge with a “secret” topic (to be revealed on the day) by doing Research, Sketching, Guerilla Testing and other UX techniques. Among mentors, we can mention Andreea Buraga and Silviu Savin.
Teams will share their process and ideas. Outcomes — available under the terms of Creative Commons — could be a prototype, sketches, storyboards or videos — whatever communicates the idea best. These resources will be publicly available on the Design Jam Iasi wiki.
For all the latest news and updates (schedule, topic, activity, outputs etc.) follow — @DesignJamIasi or the #designjam & #djiasi hashtags — on Twitter. There will also be a live streaming of the event on each day.
Also keep an eye on the Design Jam Iasi wiki, which will update and collate a repository of outputs throughout the event.
Want to get involved? Know someone?
We’re actively on the lookout for more local champions around the globe!
If you’d like to run your own Design Jam please show your interest by adding your details to the Design Jam wiki and emailing cyberdees[at]mozilla[dot]com.