Mozilla and Node.js at Node Summit, San Francisco

On January 24-25, Brendan Eich and Mark Mayo will be part of Node Summit, a two-day conference at San Francisco’s Mission Bay Conference Center that brings together business and technology leaders to discuss the challenges and benefits of Node.js.

Day 1 speakers and panelists will focus on challenges and implementations of the platform in a variety of real-world environments, while Day 2 includes the NodeJam Demo Hall, with pitches from an innovative group of startups, showcasing how these companies are applying and advancing the technology.

On January 24 at 1:45pm, Mark Mayo, from Mozilla Labs, joins engineers from Yahoo!, Google, and i.TV, to discuss how Node.js allows them to provide real-time connectivity at humongous scale. Mark recently helped deploy and tune BrowserID, a node.js web application, to a new 250-core production environment.

On January 25 at 9:40 am, Joyent’s Ryan Dahl, inventor of Node.js; Mozilla CTO and Javascript inventor Brendan Eich; Jonathan Gay, inventor of Flash; and other luminaries (to be announced) will discuss “The Evolution of Javascript,” moderated by Microsoft’s Eric Meijer.

This is one not to be missed conference. Register now.

Node.js boxing gloves

Photo credit: Node.js KO Boxing Gloves by superfluity.