We’ve previously discussed seasonal fluctuations in Firefox usage, e.g., internet usage typically declines during summer months (June, July and August for North America). Conventional wisdom has held that this behavioral fluctuation is largely attributable to folks in Europe going on holiday and to students in the U.S. and elsewhere spending the summer away from school. Thanks to geoip technology, we’re now able to apply some science to this question and see exactly what’s happening across different global regions.
So, which regions showed the greatest changes in Firefox usage this summer? To answer this, we compared usage levels during a period in May (5.12-5.25) with recent usage levels in August (8.4-8.17). Below are the regions exhibiting the largest changes in Firefox usage:
A few notes:
- Firefox usage in Southeast Asia is booming at incredible rates
- Contrary to conventional wisdom, the U.S. showed a respectable increase over the summer (3.9%)
- Mediterranean areas of Europe seem well represented in the latter numbers
Gen Kanai
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