As with all of our feedback mechanisms, the uninstall survey is only useful as long as it provides insights and drives changes in our behavior. While the existing survey has provided useful feedback, I think we can do better. With this in mind, I have drafted an early mock up of a new uninstall survey.
In addition to changing the wording on question two, I have added three new questions, including:
- Which browser(s) do you plan on using in the future? (select all that apply)
- From which of the following sources did you seek support? (select all that apply)
- How long have you been a Firefox user?
Over the next couple of weeks, I would like to publish the survey and iterate on its design to see what works best. Do three questions work better than six? Should some of the “None of the above” options be changed to “Other?” Should we keep the open-ended comment box?
We have a number of options about how to implement the new survey. We can either create and host the survey in-house, use a hosted survey tool, or embed a third party survey on Above all, the new survey tool should:
- Be easy to localize
- Provide a geographic breakdown of responses
- Engender a high response rate
I think that a third party survey tool may be our best option for two reasons. First, creating an internal tool that fills these requirement would be a significant undertaking. Why should we reinvent the wheel when excellent (and cheap) survey tools already exist? Second, our privacy concerns are minimal–the current survey explicitly states that all responses will be made publicly available.
The revised uninstall survey is still an early draft–the questions, length, and format are all up for change. Please leave your thoughts and suggestions about how we can improve the uninstall survey!
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