Categories: Meetings

Minutes of Weekly Meeting 2/18

Attendees: djst, matthew (zzxc), collin1000, chris, jason, lucy, nelson


  • Weekly metrics [1]
    • Added Live Chat answer ratio, which shows the % of answered chats
      • Looks like ratio dropped the last couple of weeks; reason for it could be an increased drop in connections. Sometimes people connect and don’t write anything and then drops off.
    • Increased the top search terms from top 5 to top 10 (only counts searches on KB)
    • Discussion about how to better connect KB and Forum searches.
      • Right now it’s potentially confusing that you’re taken from KB search results to the Forum start page. Could be a better idea to show search results directly, while still allowing people to ask a question too. To discuss this in the newsgroup.
    • Increased traffic last week; possibly because of the Live Chat press coverage
  • 0.5 milestone status (localization) [2]
    • Target date for milestone is Monday, February 25th
      • Most bugs should be fixed by Friday for people to test on staging server
      • Depending on testing needs, we might want to wait with the server push until Tuesday
    • Live push requested today to get some major bugs in [3] [4]
  • 0.6 milestone status (in-product help) [5]
    • Jason started to work on [6], which we should try to complete in the 0.5 sync on Monday
    • Need to figure out how to handle top 10 support list with regards to l10n; djst to spearhead that this week
  • All redirects were done on Thursday. Thanks to for figuring out the correct .htaccess script. Next step: find other links to on that point to support pages, and switch them. [7]

Knowledge Base

  • 2 new article requests (en-US) [8][9], 2.5 new articles [10][11][12](third one isn’t really a new article, but an old support bug, that was moved to sumo)
  • No new contributors
  • Still a lot of article comments, looking for support.
    • Quick overview here. Still needs work, but it’s a start.
    • Implemented on 17 new articles. Some articles affected by bug 413197 or bug 413192. Some are Windows specific. Dynamic content will be updated last.
    • Please help implementing this. Would rather translators translate articles after this has been implemented.


  • Traffic up another 30%, now double what it was a two weeks ago.
    • Combination of update and increased traffic site-wide.
  • Contributors still doing same excellent job – very few questions go unanswered
  • With increased traffic, really seeing the need for more forum features to be able to follow up better (question answered status, indication if you’ve posted in a thread)
    • New 0.7 milestone will focus on that
    • Many features depend on getting bug 409315 done. Looking for feedback on that.
      • djst to provide feedback tomorrow

Live Chat

  • Revised hours
    • Introduced a new evening shift; removed the morning shift
    • Morning hours will be the next focus
    • Same hours every day of the work week now
  • 10 new accounts this week, due to press?
    • A couple or three new approved trainees
    • Concerns raised by collin1000: people never online when they’re needed, around opening time for a shift
  • Meeting with live chat contributors to prioritize list of bugs for Jive Software
    • Lucy to arrange meeting time and conference info and publish it on the SUMO blog and newsgroup