Categories: Meetings

Minutes of Weekly Meeting 2008-04-21

Attendees: djst, np, nkoth, cww, zzxc, laura


  • Performance status from laura [1]
    • tiki-wiki_rankings.php does some nasty queries that has been fixed [2]
    • Performance has been improved by roughly 100% (though really it has just gone from terrible to bad)
    • The reason why we’re using tiki-wiki_rankings.php is to allow some basic KB browsing functionality. What we really want is a more thought out way of browsing it, using e.g. a tag cloud that allowed you to browse per tags
      • tiki-browse_freetags.php might be a useful start
  • Weekly metrics [3]
  • Interface l10n ETA this week [4] — lots of localizers are asking for this
  • Suggested day for SUMO Day 2: Friday, May 16th. Works for djst, np, nkoth, cww, and zzxc.


  • 1053 threads last week
  • Until we get a proper tracker feature to know what things to document in the KB, we’ll use a thread in the contributor’s forum
  • Some patches waiting for review. New patches waiting for np’s computer to become un-busted.

Live Chat

  • Last week cww and zzxc answered the majority of the help requests. Trainee helpers have been around, but not many have stayed long enough to allow us to approve them as independent helpers
    • Not a problem with a too lengthy approval process; rather a problem with too few helpers to be around to guide trainees
  • We have thought before about focusing the next SUMO Day on helping users, rather than specific items like adding screenshots or editing articles
    • Probably easier to get people behind the idea of helping users, rather than improving articles
    • Would give more focus to Live Chat and the forum
  • New 10 min timeout seems to be helping
  • Don’t seem to have any sort of extra interest for the trial European shift, though there are a lot of users finding us at 11am PDT
  • Openfire Enterprise is now open source[5]
    • The majority of active Jive development is going on SparkWeb, but it’s lacking Fastpath functionality so we can’t switch. Would be nice to use a web based solution — less of a burden for people to join, and cross-platform