Categories: Meetings

Minutes of SUMO meeting 2008-10-20

Attendees: djst, cilias, zzxc, cww, nkoth


  • Weekly metrics
  • Last week’s weekly support issues
    • Corrupt places.sqlite issue – cww to file bug and write KB article on how to replace the file
    • zzxc says some people experience the prefs not saving issue with Norton 360. Disabling 360 solves the problem. Need to talk to Norton about that.
  • Top understandable articles generally have only “Yes” votes on the other question “Did this article solve a problem you had with Firefox?”
  • CSAT data for KB — cww will look into it this week to give us an average

Knowledge Base

  • KB metrics (Cww)
  • Bugzilla: no activity
  • 270+ articles with no language set [1]: If you can help assign languages, that would be appreciated.
    • nkoth to look into it this week. djst to to test with non-admin acount
  • We’re going to use SHOWFOR for Firefox 3.1 content. [2]
  • Looking for ways to determine who to promote to reviewer (if other people are reviewing edits, how do we become aware of who should be promoted?)
    • It feels like a potential reviewer should want to become one — that should be the first step (request to become one), at which point we could review that person’s past edits (djst)
    • Have other reviewers nominate good article editors (cww)
    • Generally, we should promote the idea of having people reviewing other people’s edits. It should be the norm for new articles or significant edits.

Support Forum’

  • Traffic down. Related to forum being slow and inaccessible.
  • New off topic forum — yay!
  • Contributor forum is now open to the public. Anonymous people can respond to existing threads, but not create new threads.
  • Getting individual feedback from forum contributors about their experiences.

Live Chat

  • 7 new accounts, 0 approvals
  • Traffic about the same, up to 75% of questions answered
  • Top issues
    • Bookmarks not saved (4 cases)
    • Preferences not saved (3 cases)
    • Crashes (18 total)
    • Confusion with “Warn me when closing multiple tabs” options (3 cases)
    • Turner Media Plugin videos not playing properly (3 cases)
  • Other issues
    • Generic “0” error when installing Firefox on Windows (2 cases). Error in NSIS or in our NSIS installer script?
    • Two people confirmed that they were unable to connect to any sites after installing Symantec Antivirus, uninstalling Norton 360, and upgrading Firefox.
  • Improving Live Chat documentation to help users troubleshoot common issues. In staging area right now.


  • Main topic of SFD: Localizing SUMO
  • Secondary topic: Mozilla 2010 Goals

We’re planning to have a 3-hour event in 3 different timeslots: one for Asia, one for Europe and one for the Americas.

  • Friday Nov 21st, 5 AM GMT (2 PM Tokyo time, 6 AM Central European time, Thursday 9 PM PST)
  • Friday Nov 21st, Noon GMT (9 PM Tokyo time, 1 PM Central European time, Friday 4 AM PST)
  • Friday Nov 21st, 7 PM GMT (Saturday 4 AM Tokyo time, 8 PM Central European time, 11 AM PST)

Each session will hopefully have the following “events”:

  • Presentations: These will be mostly short and pre-recorded with someone present to do followup and answer questions and perhaps do live demos as they see fit. The reason we need prerecorded is because of the three separate timeslots.
    • Localizing SUMO: Getting started and translating your first article. (Cww)
    • Keeping your translations and locale up to date: finding out when things change and working with your locale to complete translation. E-mail notifications, SHOWFOR. (cilias)
  • Longer term goals for 2010. djst (+Mitchell Baker?) leading into… a roundtable/open discussion on 2010 goals for Mozilla. (More details will be ironed out this week)
  • An open meet-and-greet. This will give everyone a chance to find other people interested in Firefox Support in their language and coordinate efforts.
  • Cww to coordinate and make sure all presenters are informed about technical details and have properly setup environments (mic, screen sharing software, etc)