Attendees: djst, cilias, cww, zzxc, lucy
- Weekly metrics
- All articles in “Bottom 5 rated “understandable” articles” had more yes votes, than no votes.
- Could be because people who find an article hard to understand don’t read it to the end. Doesn’t make the stats less valid though.
- All articles in “Bottom 5 rated “understandable” articles” had more yes votes, than no votes.
- Last week’s weekly support issues
- Cww to blog about getting leads for issues
- SFD post mortem
- Almost 100% of visitors came from (something) (default Mozilla start page)
- What worked well?
- Having someone moderating (Asa), backing up the main person was really useful. Good to get questions highlighted; easy to miss when you’re doing an interview at the same time.
- What could be improved?
- Give people an earlier heads up at the MV office
- We could do a better job of putting prerecorded on demand content before and after the actual event
- Should collect email addresses prior to event to send out reminders
- Should collect email addresses during the event to follow up with new people interested in getting involved
- Next SFD let’s do it on a Thursday to ensure more contributors are available to help new people the day after the event
- Stuff left to do
- Wiki page summarizing Mozilla 2010 goals so far…. everyone to provide feedback and cww to upload to the Mozilla Wiki.
- djst to blog about the event
Knowledge Base
- Low traffic:
- 0 articles in review que for the past week.
- What changes there are have been new translations.
- Notable article changes:
- The ActiveX article is being changed to not mention the ActiveX of Mozilla plugin.
- SHOWFOR will be removed from the For Internet Explorer users article. [1]
- I’ve proposed some changes to in-product help. [2]
- Looking for someone to write the article on Private Browsing bug 463477
- Article editor PRD is under review. [3]
- Contributor forum should only allow new threads for logged in “Contributor” users
- Need to make it clearer that the Contributor forum isn’t the Support forum
Live Chat
- Fewer helpers last week, only 4 people taking chats.
- Total chat sessions down about 10%, percent answered still ~75%
- 6 new accounts, 0 new approvals, 1 unapproval
- Top issues: sqlite (cookies, bookmarks) corruption, preferences not saved, firewall connections, Mac random crashing (all bug 459531)
- Trainees queue and joining queue when closed will be fixed as soon as SVN is pushed live
- Security bug 464779 doesn’t currently affect our builds, but it does affect Openfire’s own binaries.
- Weekly Firefox status meetings summaries up.