Input Development Update – 02/04/2014

Will Kahn-Greene, our amazing and talented Input Dev, is constantly working behind the scenes to make Input better. If you don’t know Input, check it out! Input is one of the most valuable tools we have on the User Advocacy team for talking to and understanding our users.

So much awesome work goes into Input that we thought it would be cool to give Input development updates here on the blog. Here is what Will has been up to for the last couple of months:


As you can see from the list, Will is an absolute bug slaying MONSTER! We’ve lots of cool stuff coming up for Input as well. This quarter we are going to be focused on:

  • Automatic feedback translation for Firefox OS
  • Operationalizing feedback aggregation for Firefox OS
  • Some other super cool things that are still in the works

We will be holding a roadmap session later this week. The goal is to go through our existing Input roadmap to ensure everything on the current list is still in line with our overall Mozilla goals. We’ll also be adding all sorts of new awesomeness as well. Let’s hear some user stories in the comments section. Wouldn’t it be cool if Input……..

3 responses

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  1. Andrew (feer56) wrote on :

    That’s A LOT OF BUGS! Way to go!


  2. Hasan wrote on :

    Wow! Look the list of these bugs!! Kudos to you Will 🙂

    P.S. I would like to make a suggestion for improving the Input Feedback form. Please guide me as to where to submit my suggestion. Awaiting response from the User Advocacy Team.


    1. Matt Grimes wrote on :

      Hey Hasan,

      Please feel free to send your feedback about Input here, in bugzilla, or you can email it to me directly. Thanks!



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