Will Kahn-Greene, our amazing and talented Input Dev, is constantly working behind the scenes to make Input better. If you don’t know Input, check it out! Input is one of the most valuable tools we have on the User Advocacy team for talking to and understanding our users.
So much awesome work goes into Input that we thought it would be cool to give Input development updates here on the blog. Here is what Will has been up to for the last couple of months:
- [bug 931189] Add character counter to Firefox OS feedback form
- [bug 931189] Add character counter to mobile feedback form
- [bug 931189] Add character counter to feedback form
- [bug 949000] Switch product list to dropdown
- [bug 946736] Fix date links on responses in dashboard
- [bug 948998] Fix bigram links with no start dates
- [bug 948446] Show email addresses to analyzers
- [bug 948925] Fix bigram analysis
- [bug 931105] Truncate description on dashboard
- [bug 947278] Switch memcached key generator to use md5
- [bug 947278] Tweak actual_ip_plus_desc
- [bug 898584] Fix valueerror in dashboard
- [bug 910800] Upgrade to Django 1.5.5
- [bug 927617] Add bigram links and normalized counts
- [bug 910800] Fix test_views to work with Django 1.5
- [bug 910800] Nix URLField verify_exists arg
- [bug 927617] Add basic tests for occurrences report
- [bug 927617] Fix some ui issues with occurrence report
- [bug 927617] Add occurrence comparison report
- [bug 902032] ratelimit against double-submit
- [bug 925973] Disable next button if description empty
- [bug 935632] Add intermediary account creation
- [bug 926921] Show everything to folks with permission
- [bug 902032] Add total count to spam dupliactes report
- [bug 902032] Add summary to spam duplicate report
- [bug 902032] Add spam duplicates report
- [bug 902032] Disable form button
- [bug 936625] Add country to serializer
- [bug 934721] Move privacy text up
- [bug 907872] Add analytics group and scaffolding
- [bug 929647] Fix throttling to use correct ip
- [bug 929647] Add django-ratelimit and throttling
- [bug 933068] Add Uruguay
- [bug 933068] Add Peru and Mexico
- [bug 965475] Add l10n_completion script
- Move product, version and channel out of secure section
- Add product and version to dashboard
- [bug 857056] Rework feedback urls
- [bug 963199] Nix mobile dashboard
As you can see from the list, Will is an absolute bug slaying MONSTER! We’ve lots of cool stuff coming up for Input as well. This quarter we are going to be focused on:
- Automatic feedback translation for Firefox OS
- Operationalizing feedback aggregation for Firefox OS
- Some other super cool things that are still in the works
We will be holding a roadmap session later this week. The goal is to go through our existing Input roadmap to ensure everything on the current list is still in line with our overall Mozilla goals. We’ll also be adding all sorts of new awesomeness as well. Let’s hear some user stories in the comments section. Wouldn’t it be cool if Input……..
Andrew (feer56)
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Matt Grimes
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