Project News
- We released SDK 1.6.1 today to fix a minor memory leak in 1.6.0 ( released last week ). At the same time, we also made 1.7b1 builds available for early testing.
- Wladimir Palant ( author of Adblock Plus ) blogged about asynchronous file IO.
- Mozilla QA Dev Henry Skupin released SDK-based add-on Memchaser with a ton of new features and bug fixes.
Quick Stats
- Total open bugs: 277
- Bugs created last week: 16
- Bugs fixed last week: 12
- Total SDK-based Addons on AMO: 496
- Open pull requests on Github: 23
Note: the stats above are based on the queries I linked to for each item. If you have suggestions on how these queries might be made more accurate,please comment below. Stats generated at 2012-04-10 14:26:05 PDT
Meeting Brief
- No Builder updates, Daniel was not in the meeting
- SDK: releasing 1.6.1 hotfix today as well as 1.7b1 builds from the current stabilization branch.
- Roundtable: Alex pointed us to an interesting add-on localization add-on.
Full minutes are available here:
k2 wrote on
Jeff Griffiths wrote on