Project News
- It starts! Yesterday we landed the commonJS module loader land from the SDK on Mozilla Central!! This is a big first step in the process to ship the SDK loader and apis in Firefox.
- Alexandre Poirot has made great progress with the development of a re-packing script for older SDK-based add-ons to the latest version. If you’ve got a relatively simple add-on on AMO, we’re hoping to run a test-run of the new re-pack process soon and will be contacting you directly to see how we did.
- Wes released the final RC for SDK 1.8 today; we’d love for you to test it out ans report back any issues you might find.
Quick Stats
- Total open bugs: 293
- Bugs created last week: 8
- Bugs fixed last week: 3
- Total SDK-based Addons on AMO: 816
- Open pull requests on Github: 32
Note: the stats above are based on the queries I linked to for each item. If you have suggestions on how these queries might be made more accurate,please comment below. Stats generated at 2012-06-19 09:19:52 PDT
Meeting Brief
- No update from builder.
- SDK: spinning final RC for 1.8 today, Will to add in some last minute docs changes.
- Roundtable: the loader landed on mozilla-central today.
Full minutes are available here: