Our volunteer reviewers make amazing contributions—with more than 3 billion downloads of add-ons on AMO, they are at the front lines ensuring add-ons are safe to use.
To recognize their time and effort, we have launched a reviewer incentive program. For each add-on review, reviewers accumulate points that fetch them cool gear! If you are currently a reviewer, you’ve probably already noticed a module on the review admin page showing your point totals:
The “All Time” point value maps to six gear levels ranging from stickers to an Android tablet. To start everyone on an equal footing, points began accruing upon the launch of this program.
Currently, the program is only available to add-on reviewers, but will also become available to app reviewers when Firefox Marketplace launches later this year. If you’re interested in volunteering as an app reviewer, you can indicate your interest here and we’ll contact you when the program gets off the ground.
Level 4 tee!
In addition to gear, reviewers also enjoy many other benefits, such as invitations to Mozilla events around the world, participation in reviewer-only contests, and getting on the fast track in the review queue for add-ons they have authored.
Have we convinced you? If you have experience creating add-ons and want to become a volunteer reviewer, apply here!
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Brett Zamir
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Gerald Wilke
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