Add-ons Update – Week of 2013/07/17

I post these updates every 3 weeks to inform add-on developers about the status of the review queues, add-on compatibility, and other happenings in the add-ons world.

The Review Queues

  • Most nominations for full review are taking less than 6 weeks to review.
  • Most updates are being reviewed within 4 weeks.
  • Most preliminary reviews are being reviewed within 3 weeks.

These stats are taken from the last queue report:

  • 208 nominations in the queue awaiting review.
  • 190 updates in the queue awaiting review.
  • 197 preliminary review submissions in the queue awaiting review.

If you’re an add-on developer and would like to see add-ons reviewed faster, please consider joining us. Add-on reviewers get invited to Mozilla events and earn cool gear with their work. Visit our wiki page for more information.

Firefox 23 Compatibility

The compatibility blog post for Firefox 23 is coming up, as well as the compatibility bump for AMO add-ons.

As usual we recommend using the Aurora and Beta branches to test your add-ons ahead of time.

Firefox 25 Compatibility

There are some pretty big changes coming up in Firefox 25, so I did an early post on it. Please give it a look.

10 comments on “Add-ons Update – Week of 2013/07/17”

  1. sermsook Bhasaputra wrote on

    I had to used firefox yester day computer told that program uptodate So I closed it amand re dowlode this program

  2. Sanjay wrote on

    Hi Jorge,

    I have a created a xpcom plugin which I am compiling with every new version of gecko sdk and it was working fine till FF 21. But now it has stopped working with FF 22 version.

    I am getting the error “TypeError: Components.classes[cid] is undefined.” in our extension.

    I have made sure to compile the xpcom plugin with gecko sdk 22.
    Can you please point us what has caused this problem and is there any workaround for this?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Jorge Villalobos wrote on

      Hello Sanjay,

      I’m not aware of any changes that could be causing this error. Do you see anything in the Error Console that indicates what’s going wrong? Any build errors or warnings?

  3. guest wrote on

    well, your amp firefox contest only running for 5 weeks, while an update takes 4 weeks to review, it means it will be very difficult to get any update passing the review in time for the contest, isn’t it ?

    1. Amy Tsay wrote on

      As long as it was submitted by the end date, your entry will count, even if it takes a few weeks after the contest to review it.

      1. Mike wrote on

        Can we get an extension on the contest, perhaps just a couple extra days? I can only work on my add-on over the weekend 🙁

  4. Geo Piskas wrote on

    Hello, I would like to ask a question. How large is the reviws team? Also, is there a different team for firefox for pc and android respectively? Thanks!

    1. Jorge Villalobos wrote on

      The review team has about 40 reviewers, but there are only about a dozen active at any given time. Reviewers can perform reviews for desktop, Android, or both, depending on what they feel comfortable doing.

  5. Txema wrote on

    Me gusta Firefox

  6. Adnane wrote on

    Firefox (x)