November 2013 Featured Add-ons

November featured add-ons have been chosen, and so has the new community board, which will be responsible for selecting featured add-ons from January – June, 2014.

If you’d like to nominate an add-on for consideration by the board (you can nominate your own!), just send an email to, and it will be added to the board’s consideration list.

Pick of the Month: S3.Google Translator

S3.Google Translator adds the power of Google Translate’s automatic translations to your browser.

Wonderful, brilliant, fantastic! Cannot describe how happy I am with this add-on, I live in Sweden but don’t speak Swedish and obviously every day I browse Swedish sites I need to translate into English…”

Get S3.Google Translator »

Also Featured:

Contextual (inline) unit, timezone, and currency converter on any web site, plus custom conversions for offline text. Get it now »

Undo Closed Tabs Button
Undo closed tabs via a toolbar button or the right-click context menu. Get it now »

7 comments on “November 2013 Featured Add-ons”

  1. Lars wrote on

    Hi Amy, and any other community workers. I received my T-shirt from the Amp Your Firefox contest today!

    I was the author of the “Wikipedia Spoiler Hider” add-on. Thank you so much for the shirt and the honorable mention on the blog!

    1. Amy Tsay wrote on

      Awesome, glad it arrived!

  2. Nasir wrote on

    I am sure you could’nt able to use this add-on while traveling to Paris.
    Guides donot speak english there and you might needed a full featured hand gestures add-on.

  3. Ubiquitous wrote on

    it appears that a Translator add-on i am considering for install uses cookies from third party advertisers to support the business model of it being “free-to-the-user”.
    However, I don’t understand how S3.Google Translator add-in is “free-to-the-user”, doesn’t have advertising (or a back-door) built in to their product to support their business model.
    So this begets the question: has Mozilla reviewed this developer’s code before allowing it into the add-in store, to ensure that it is safe – not able to hack the user’s computer or data?

    1. Jorge Villalobos wrote on

      We review the code for all versions of all add-ons listed on AMO and make sure it’s safe and protects the user’s privacy and choices. This S3.Google Translator doesn’t appear to have any monetization system built into it. If it did, it would most likely qualify for our No Surprises policy, which requires these changes to be opt in.

  4. Itreg wrote on

    I want to add a translator to firefox. Do you say this one is safe, Jorge?

    1. Jorge Villalobos wrote on

      All add-ons listed on our site should be safe to use.