February 2014 Featured Add-ons

2014 is in full swing, and so is our community board, which has selected the featured add-ons for February. If you have an add-on to nominate, please send it to amo-featured@mozilla.org for the board’s consideration. Feel free to submit your own add-on!

Pick of the Month: Multifox

Multifox is an extension that allows Firefox to connect to websites using different user names, simultaneously! If you have multiple Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, or Yahoo accounts, you can open them all at the same time. Each Firefox window accesses an account without interfering each other.

Awesome! I can log multiple emails, gaming accounts, forums, proxies, and so much more!”

Get Multifox »

Also Featured:

Make the web faster, more private, and more secure. Disconnect lets you visualize and block the otherwise invisible websites that track your search and browsing history. Get it now »

Save as anything with a click of a button. It is handy for web image collection addicts. Get it now »

Mail Redirect (for Thunderbird)
Our first featured add-on for Thunderbird! Allows you to redirect (a.k.a. “bounce”) mail messages to other recipients. Get it now »