October Contributor of the Month: rctgamer3

Congratulations to rctgamer3, October’s Contributor of the Month! Rctgamer3 is an AMO Reviewer and complete theme developer, and maintains the Firefox 2 theme.

In October, rctgamer3 helped the add-ons team file many blocklist bugs and provide all the required information to deal with them quickly. This is difficult and painstaking, but essential for keeping Firefox users safe.

We’d also like to give special thanks to Jaipradeesh Janarthanan, who single-handedly cleared the Tarako app review queue of 80+ apps, and on-boarded two new Tarako app reviewers, Kailas Patil and Trishul Goel—welcome aboard!

There is a new wiki to kick off November, with some new featured projects and a few carried over from last month. There is a new guided project for contributing to Firetext, so please check it out, and don’t forget to report any accomplishments in the Get Recognized section.

We look forward to collaborating with you!

One comment on “October Contributor of the Month: rctgamer3”

  1. Mingyi wrote on

    Kudos to the reviewers! They’re usually the unsung heros of the Firefox ecosystem, and a major reason why Firefox addons are better than any other browser’s. Good to see them recognized here from time to time.