With the release of Firefox 23, we are pleased to welcome the 61 developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release, 50 of whom were brand new volunteers! Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions:
- aditya2204: 784387
- André Bargull: 836396, 836404
- Avinash: 858916
- balloonguy123: 839434
- Ben Kelly: 847279, 862666
- Brian Ecker: 852704
- briangrinstead: 677930, 866507
- Caio Lima: 859818
- Carmen Jimenez Cabezas: 815110
- Catalin Iacob: 847790, 864119
- Charith Tangirala: 853590
- Chen Dai: 866487, 869322
- Colby Russell: 861495, 861557
- Dan Gohman: 869507, 869525, 869532
- Daniel Trebbien: 861217
- David Hsu: 861205
- Diogo Dauster Pontual: 865680
- Douglas Crosher: 814179, 863725, 868683, 868708, 868747
- Federico Paolinelli: 731491
- Frédéric Kayser: 653001
- Garrett Robinson: 837351, 863878, 865344, 821877
- Geeksphone: 861896
- Hyeonseok Shin: 880205
- Ian Stakenvicius: 429023, 809430, 812265
- Iivari Äikäs: 617897
- Ioana Budnar: 862371, 856043
- Joel Williamson: 858897
- John: 420371
- Jonathan Laver: 851044
- Jon Hylands: 853632
- Jordan Santell: 856913
- Josh Marchán: 792815, 861192, 723923
- Josiah Bruner: 425561, 855370
- justin.busby: 755240
- Kushagra Sinha: 858482
- Marcos Aruj: 855190
- Maria Grazia Alastra: 866081
- Martyn Haigh: 793747, 854940
- Michael Kelly: 864946
- Mitchell Mebane: 814379
- mjh563: 855402
- Nicholas Wilson: 436801
- Prasanth Balakrishnan: 586067
- raul.tabacu: 846360
- Ritesh: 866636
- Sachin Hosmani: 628785, 842780, 851242
- sarat.addepalli: 857994, 858012
- Simon J: 602814
- sinduja ramaraj: 586125
- Stephen Kraemer: 836078
- Sudheera Palihakkara: 327598
- Sumedh Shekhar: 804742
- Takeshi Kurosawa: 338033
- Thomas Bertels: 862620
- Timur Timirkhanov: 843492
- Vasil Dimov: 733712, 856671, 860827
- Yohei Yukawa: 866736
- Yuan Pengfei: 868716, 844031
Faruq Hossain
wrote on
wrote on
Mary Ellen
wrote on
Stephen M
wrote on
wrote on
wrote on