Hi all!
Welcome to Week Five of our MozCamp Beta – India updates! We’re packing our bags and getting ready to head to India next week, so it’s been full steam ahead for the MozCamp team this week.
MozCamp Beta – India will run from June 20th – June 22nd in the city of Bangalore. As we work through the details of this event and future MozCamps, we’ll keep the Mozilla community up-to-date on this blog (in addition to weekly voice updates on the Project call).
You can always check out the Wiki, (including FAQs) for more information, but please feel free to respond to this post by subscribing and posting to the Events Mailing List or by pinging us on IRC in #MozCamp2014.
Thanks so much for your support!
This week:
- Content session rehearsals for all facilitators happened on Thursday via IRC
- Teaching kits and learning activities are being created using Webmaker
- Content and session materials continue to be finalized and integrated with the other sessions
- Communications and a pre-event survey went out to all MozCamp Beta – India attendees, with follow-up surveys to come throughout next week
- On-site logistics, including room pairing and travel, are being finalized and locked
- Based on feedback from the rebranding survey, the Mozilla Creative team met to go over the naming options. These will be shared with the wider community for feedback shortly.
Next week, we will continue to finalize session content/structure and finalize travel & event logistics while staff and attendees make their way to India. Onsite rehearsals will happen on Friday, June 20, while the event will run through Sunday.
After MozCamp Beta – India wraps next week, we will have an update on branding, timing and locations of the larger events happening later this year. Thank you for your patience as these pieces come together.
MozCamp Plan:
The strategy and plan for 2014 can be found here. This document offers some good background and framework for MozCamp but it’s best to refer to the MozCamp 2014 Wiki for the most up-to-date information.
The MozCamp planning team meets weekly on Tuesday’s and we post our meeting notes here. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please post them it or ping us on IRC #mozcamp2014. I will be in the US during MozCamp Beta India, SO
Thanks for reading!
Lizz Noonan