Categories: Spotlight

Firefox 49 new contributors

With the release of Firefox 49, we are pleased to welcome the 48 developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release, 39 of whom were brand new volunteers! Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions:

10 comments on “Firefox 49 new contributors”

  1. Mehdi wrote on


    I just want to say THANK YOU to all Firefox team, specially this new guys.
    Keep it up & make Firefox better than ever.

    Take care !

  2. Thomas Schube wrote on


    immer diese Versionen wo User verar…t werden!!! Man sollte nicht die Leute mit BETA Versionen zu müllen sonder sofort funktionierende Versionen.


  3. Dennis Reeg wrote on

    Why does FIREFOX crash so often ? I’m running 49 .

  4. Erwin wrote on

    We take Mozilla for granted. But it’s an ongoing effort and I am very grateful to you guys!

  5. zihad wrote on

    many many thanks for this effective and helpful browser….

  6. Samantha Morrison wrote on


  7. Josh wrote on

    Ha ha, I finally found a version that is still compatible with my tired old 10.6 operating system. Keep up the good work and please let Mozilla continue to help along the tired and outdated systems some of us still are using. Thanks

  8. Stoyan wrote on

    Good work, everyone! Thank you for your efforts!

  9. Alexandre wrote on

    hello , I would like to say that the most good think in thunderbird is the messages Filters. I would like to say that we need some kind of approach to not lost the rules in any migrations or windows reinstall. it could be like Firefox connect to one account that shold bee permanent.

  10. Rob wrote on

    Many thanks to all the new and veteran devs.
    Keep up the great work.