Monthly Labs Meetup – August 2008 – San Francisco

It’s time for another Monthly Meetup. This month’s meetup will be Thursday, August 28th, 6pm at the Twitter office – 539 Bryant St. Suite 402, San Francisco.

There will be progress updates on the various active Labs projects as well as plenty of opportunity for discussion and hacking. And of course, pizza 🙂

If you are in the Bay Area we’d love to see you!  Please take a moment to RSVP by commenting on this blog.

23 responses

  1. salihrocker wrote on :

    Thanks you! Haven’t attended an event in awhile; will try to make it up…

  2. dave burleigh wrote on :

    Is this a meetup or a monthly mozilla meeting?

  3. Raj Kumar wrote on :

    Im going

  4. brad wrote on :

    never been, looking forward to checking it out.

  5. Junius wrote on :

    See you there.

  6. jatin wrote on :

    I’ll be there

  7. rhian wrote on :

    Hi Aaron, No age restrictions. Please come on down!

  8. Ohad Eder Pressman wrote on :

    happy to have found this a day before rather than a day after, see you tomorrow.

  9. Jeremy Glassenberg wrote on :

    I think I can make it to this, but can’t guarantee :(. It’s ok if there’s not enough pizza for me.

    I hope to see you all there!

  10. BobChao wrote on :

    Will there a Yahoo!Live live cast? Would like to join but not even in USA

  11. Tom wrote on :

    Why not use to manage RSVPs, like Yahoo! does?

  12. Craig Dalton wrote on :

    Darn, I’m still in DC and will have to miss it.

  13. Aaron wrote on :

    Any age restrictions on attending?

  14. Felix Breuer wrote on :

    I am not working on any Mozilla related project, but I’d like to come by anyway, if that’s okay. I am curious! 🙂

  15. Tobias Luetke wrote on :

    I’m in town so i’ll come by

  16. rhian wrote on :

    Hi Ian, Our monthly meetups are a great way to get involved in existing Labs projects, suggest your own project or concept, recruit like minded folks to hack on your ideas, etc. We hope for these sessions to be accessible ways to encourage participation and inspire innovation. Usually we’ll have a few talks about existing projects – anyone is welcome to share! Then brainstorming and hacking. And pizza :). Let me know if you have more questions. Hope to see you there!

  17. Eugene Feldman wrote on :

    Will do my bestest to come

  18. jacob berkman wrote on :

    I will be there, with a special pair of socks for someone.

  19. shawnee wrote on :

    Haven’t attended an event in awhile; will try to make it up.

  20. Antoine Azar wrote on :

    I’d love to attend too, I’m here for the week for work with Mozilla, and am very interested in Mozilla Labs’ work. Hope to make it on time.

  21. Ian McKellar wrote on :

    Can you give me a sense of what these monthly meetings are about? I’m involved in a variety of Mozilla based projects – how does a MoCo Labs meetup look?

  22. Pamela Ramali wrote on :

    I’ll be there! 🙂

  23. Shahid wrote on :

    Count me in!