Categories: Meetings

Minutes of Weekly Meeting 2008-05-05

Attendees: djst, cilias, Cww, zzxc


  • Weekly metrics [1]
    • GMail suddenly in the top ten. Related to this? Will continue discussion in the contributor forum since np couldn’t make it to the meeting.
    • During last meeting nkoth suggested we do Action Log queries on, but they time out. cilias to file a bug.
  • Support Firefox Day #2 planning [2]
    • Q/A/F (Questions/Answers/Feedback) sessions will definitely happen. John Lilly, Mike Connor, and Mike Beltzner have already committed to host a session each, yay!
    • Workshop as an idea (from Cww) is cool, but we should target it more towards the people we want to have on SUMO. Therefore, we will change the overall theme around the workshops to be about “learning about the new features of Firefox 3 to better helping others.” The aim should be to educate current and potential new contributors about the new features, which will lead to a higher quality forum and live chat support, as well as potentially improved support articles about these topics.
    • We want people to help out with Live Chat because that’s the component of SUMO with the least active contributors today. Should get people to sign up and practice before the event, so we’re better prepared on the actual support day.
    • Should post an initial announcement on the SUMO blog tomorrow.

Knowledge Base

  • cilias has been working on a contributor survey (not to be confused with the Community Survey Program by the fearless Seth & Staś) which will be deployed this week. The purpose of the survey is to get a better understanding on how our current Knowledge Base contributors use our system, and where we need better documentation. We’ll be sending this out individually to contributors to avoid spam and/or non-contributors submitting it.
  • Bugzilla: 4 article requests [3], 2 new articles [4][5].
  • Default diff view decided: Everyone asked agrees that the side-by-side diff view on SUMO is the most useful one, so we’ll make sure it’s the default too.
  • Bug opened on removing the Sandbox category [6]. It’s confusing for localizers (at least four have asked djst about it, which is enough to make its existence questioned).
  • Reminder: When creating content for Firefox 3, don’t add screenshots yet. We need to wait for the first release candidate, at least.
  • Crediting MozillaZine rewording settled [7]. We’ll use “Based on information from (foo bar)”. Updating the wording shouldn’t take too long, but any help appreciated!


  • Number of threads down, but matches a dip on number of sessions site-wide
  • New linking from np stats are up [8]

Live Chat

  • Five approved helpers entering last week, but mostly Cww and zzxc in Live Chat
  • Two trainees ready for approval. Currently Lucy is the only one who can approve trainees. Will file bug to get it sorted out asap.
  • Cww wants to look at the Spark source code but haven’t had time yet
  • We will need much more helpers for the Firefox 3 release. One idea that could help is to get Firefox developers to help out during launch day. djst to further explore that idea.