Attendees: djst, cilias, np, lucy, nkoth, zzxc
- New theme went live last week — please file bugs if you see any problems (but please search first, as there have been a lot of them filed already!) :)
- 0.6 release this week — Wednesday or Thursday during a downtime window is the plan
- New weekly dev meeting every Tuesday at 9 AM PDT, where we’ll focus on bug triaging, assigning, and milestone planning.
- Weekly metrics
- Second most searched term is “clear history” — pretty high chance this is about the AwesomeBar. Suggest adding links about it from the Clearing Location Bar results article to make sure people are aware of what they’re seeing
Knowledge Base
- Launch week was the most active week in the KB ever, including both new articles written and number of article edits and contributors
- Bugzilla:
- Hoping to unlock in-product articles this week so people can keep improving them. They were locked during l10n string freeze to minimize the workload for localizers, but now it’s time to open it up again.
- Got stats for the past couple weeks – 5000 threads last week, 3500 this week
- Many new contributors, though some are probably one time users.
- New really helpful contributor: alterna! Over 100 posts already. Welcome alterna! :)
Live Chat
- Still getting a fair number of new accounts post-release
- Several approvals since release
- maniac, mzz, phreakyphotographer, wolfwindshadow, silentme
- more should be ready this week
- New hours while Cww is away
- Need to start looking at moving to the open source plug-ins [7]
- Follow-up on pref to add more admin accounts
- djst to bring this up in tomorrow’s sumo dev meeting
- zzxc (Matthew) and mzz are working on adding Fastpath support to gajim
- zzxc to document what’s needed from IT and what the plan and progress is
- Lucy be away and unreachable July 9th – 20th – Do we close or can others cover?
- cilias and np might be able to cover a few shifts. Lucy to send out e-mail with planned hours of operation so we can figure it out.
David Collins wrote on
victor wrote on