- Weekly metrics
- Last week’s weekly support issues
- Forum and live chat issues differ. On forum, most people are have problems with Facebook and other websites not working, rather than crashes. In live chat, there are more crashes reported than websites not working. Most issues need more investigation.
Knowledge Base
- 3.6 release update
- Updates for articles on installing Firefox are being reviewed. Should be done by the end of today.
- We should blog about support plans for release week some time this week.
- EU browser ballot status
- Flash article is now ready for review.
- ‘Smart Location Bar’ article being renamed to ‘Location bar autocomplete’. References to the feature will renamed to ‘Awesome Bar’ (Discussion )
- Listing key objectives of the KB
- The bullets there right now are proposed by community members. They are not final.
- We should reword them to be more concrete.
- These should be measurable.
- The intent is to make sure that the changes we focus on have the greatest affect on the performance and quality of the KB.
- Does this affect/change SUMO scope?
- This would be good discussion for a community meeting.
- Should we point the Weave help-topic link to the syncing bookmarks article? bug 530267
- Yes. We can easily change it, if we decide to have two separate article.
- no update
Live Chat
- Live Chat tag trends
- No issues up significantly
- Flash remains the most common reason for crashes
- Presenting at Mozilla-wide weekly update meeting