- Weekly metrics
- Is tough to understand the dates. (Metrics are usually gathered Sun-Sat, but the dates on the Google doc are Mondays.)
- Cell A1 now clarifies date
- We are now getting top search terms from Webtrends. Trended searches will have to wait until we have been using Webtrends for at least a month.
- Is tough to understand the dates. (Metrics are usually gathered Sun-Sat, but the dates on the Google doc are Mondays.)
Sumo development update
- 2.1 (new discussion forums) targeted for Tuesday
- We should announce to community, and let them know what is different (e.g. switch to Mediawiki markup). Topal will post in the Contributors forum.
Knowledge Base
- Any update on supporting about:config questions? (Revisiting the monkey rule)
- Topal to list pros/cons and send it out to the team today.
- Removing the warning on the Profiles article might require updating articles that link to it.
- We’ll try adding HTML code that will hide it the warning until we figure this out.
- This week we’ll try adding helpful comments to individual article threads in the articles forum (link).
- We’re working on finding areas of overlap with the new MDN wiki. We’re meeting with the MDN people on Wednesday this week.
- We’re continuing to run helpfulness tests – status.
- PRD – We’re continuing to work on context scenarios, requirements and workflows. We’re expecting a first draft of a wireframe based on that first workflow tomorrow.
- Snippets page is up
- Some of them can be replaced with links to KB articles. We should add descriptive text to the page, so people know what belongs on that page.
- Engagement team is helping in forum once a week. Based on feedback, we may expand it to the rest of Mozilla.
Live Chat
- Traffic is down. We’re not sure why. We’ll see how this changes when 3.6.4 is released.
- Summary of SUMO-related summit activities
- cilias to create a wiki page.
- Firefox 4 Beta support update
- Later betas of Firefox 4 will target end-users, so we’ll expect more beta users than usual, and we’ll need to help them.
- There is more to the plan than just SUMO (test pilot, surveys, newsletter). The SUMO part will be done primarily through the forum.
- The big difference on our end is how we help beta testers. If someone is having a problem, don’t recommend that they switch to an end-user release.
- UX testing for Kitsune KB
- With so much time/effort being spent on the new KB, it is risky that we’re not getting feedback trough testing (rather than mockups and workflow documentation). There is no team at Mozilla that does “UX web testing”.
- We don’t have Sumodev resources to code for the sake of user testing, but it’s not like development is going to stop after the rewrite either. The new code will also allow Sumodev to iterate faster.
- If we can find ways to do that on our own to catch low hanging fruit, we should do that.