Categories: Announcements

We just made the switch to Firefox a lot better for millions of users

Sometimes taking a closer look at things that have remained unchanged for over a decade can be quite surprising — and the end result can help millions of people every year!

First, some background:
Firefox users on Windows have an extra item in the Help menu called For Internet Explorer Users.

This menu item leads to a document that helps users transitioning from Internet Explorer to Firefox in the same way the For Netscape Users menu item in IE helped users transition from Netscape. It was in Firefox 1.0, and the purpose of that menu item and the information it leads to hasn’t changed very much.

There have been some changes to Firefox Help since then.

  • All support documentation was moved online to, allowing the community to update documentation without updating the software.
  • We can track how users navigate support documentation and what they search for. Most notably, our article feedback system gives us insight on what users think of each article and what they expected to see.

One thing we have noticed is that most of the user comments on that article are about issues that have nothing to do with the article itself. Are visitors using the help-topic for its intended purpose? We decided to test that.

During the test, For Internet Explorer Users would point half of our users to a start page we created specifically for Firefox users on Windows. We would then compare the bounce rates, to see which destination users actually used. The result:

  • Bounce rate for windows start page: 31%
  • Bounce rate for For IE users: 77.5%

What this means is that our Windows start page is better tailored towards users clicking on the For Internet Explorer Users menu item.

Soon we will be making the menu item permanently point to the Windows start page. As a result, we will be helping far more of the 230,000 visitors to that article each week.

4 comments on “We just made the switch to Firefox a lot better for millions of users”

  1. Steffen wrote on

    What’s the difference between the Windows start page and the regular start page?

    Can’t we point all Windows users to the Windows start page, even if they select “Firefox Help” instead of “For Internet Explorer Users”?

    Why don’t we remove the “For IE Users” menu item?

  2. Asa Dotzler wrote on

    When we added this, the world was a much different place. If it’s no longer valuable to have a specific migration help page for IE users, why not just remove the menu item?

    – A

  3. jay wrote on

    A lot better for a million users? What about me? I cannot seem to stop crashing! I love firefox, but this is getting ridiculous. Wow—just crashed while typing that..but at least it saved my text, that’s cool. Still annoying, I counted 32 crashes in 1 hour the other night and I’ve installed it twice since this started. I’m on a macbook with mac os x 10.5.8. Please resolve this or I’ll end up using Chrome or Explorer and trust me, I don’t want to use those!

  4. David Tenser wrote on

    Steffen: The Windows start page was made as part of the EU ballot (browser choice) preparations we made to make the transition to Firefox as seamless as possible. It includes articles specifically targeted towards new users of Firefox in general, and previous users of IE in particular.

    Asa: Based on the high usage of that menu item, it definitely still has value. But it’s clear that a list of How-to:s is better for those users than a simple chart of terminology differences. Basically, we just made a huge improvement to what we had previously, without challenging the need of a migration page in the first place.

    Jay: I responded to you in private and I’m looking forward to hearing if upgrading Flash was indeed the solution.