I post these updates every 2 weeks to inform add-on developers about the status of the review queues, add-on compatibility, and other relevant happenings in the add-ons world.
- Nominations for full review at the moment are being processed slower than usual. Nominations are currently taking about 3 weeks to review.
- Most updates are being reviewed within 5 days.
- Most preliminary reviews are being reviewed within 2 weeks.
- We posted a call for new reviewers on our blog recently and many new reviewers have already joined our team and helped us cut down review times drastically. Just look at earlier reports for comparison. If you’re interested, please read on how to apply.
The Review Queues
- These stats are taken from the last queue report.
- 85 new nominations that week. 255 nominations in the queue awaiting review.
- 132 new updates that week. 132 updates in the queue awaiting review.
- 126 new preliminary review submissions that week. 135 in the queue awaiting review.
- 1834 reviews performed in the month of July (updated).
The release schedule is available here. The next push is currently scheduled for August 16th. This will be the release date for Firefox 6, the push of Firefox 7 to the beta channel, and the push of Firefox 8 to the Aurora channel.
The AMO compatibility push for Firefox 7 was run less than a week ago. A last minute change (to revert the JSON interface changes) and some bugs on our tools delayed the push significantly. We hope to run the Firefox 8 compatibility push shortly after the Aurora push, in a couple of weeks.
On this front, you should also look into this proposal by Justin Scott, to make add-ons compatible by default after Firefox updates. It’s based on the idea that most add-ons won’t require any code changes to work satisfactorily in new versions of Firefox, specially considering the small changes between releases. Please add your questions, show your support, etc. in the linked discussion.
Firefox 5 and 6
I posted a thorough look at breaking changes in Firefox 5 and 6. If there’s anything missing there, please let us know.
Firefox 7 and 8
The compatibility blog post for Firefox 7 was published some time. It mentions a couple of possible changes in Firefox 8, one of which might be reverted as well (the nsIDOMWindowInternal removal). The detailed compatibility post for Firefox 8 will be published close to its push to Aurora.
If you need information on how to test how your add-on affects Firefox startup performance, please read this document: Measuring Add-on Startup Performance.
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Jorge Villalobos wrote on
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